Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

. Ofloving our EHemies r 63 through ignorance they, 11ot know– ing the right way to their O'WJtJ happhzefi; and therefore we jhould rather inflruct then: better, than hath them: 'That tbe bejl kind of revenge is, nDt to be come like them. in ;..tJJicked– t1>ejs and malice. And many other excellent argutnents does that roya4 1philofopher bring . to the f11ne purpofe. And P lutarch gives. this as one of the reafons why God is fo flow in punifhing wicked perfons, that \Ve n1ay lem"n meekneft and patien-ce by his ex– ample, adding that excellent ob1ervation, - That our greatefl happhzeft a12d perfi!livJJ conji(ls in the imitation ofour maker. But, to leave the tefiimonies -of Hea– thens, the obligation of this precept of lov– ing our enen1ies may be deduced fron1 an– other, which every1nanwill acknowle~ge to behighly reafonable, the to otherswhat ·we would have done ,to ourjelves. Every one of us·defires to be loved and 'herifhed by ,others; to have our faults pardoned, our failings overlooked, and our neceffities fupplied. Or, if any be fo hang1Jty and fiubborn, that they d.ifdain a courtcfy from an enemy; yet I hope there is none fo n1ad, but he defircs the favour of God; whofe hatred he Jefervcs infinitely n1ore, _ than his n1ofi bitter enen1y can defcrve his. How