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104 GOD, oR ALEHIM, &c. learned Author's Error lay, in detaching the Spirit, in his Idea, from the E(fence, and in .confidering him as a feparate Being ; whereas the Word Alehim is applied to him in the Union and Communion of the undivided Trinity. Two or three Texts in the Old Teflament will ex- prefsly prove, not only that there are Perfons in JEHO- VAH, but that the Perforas in JEHovAH are three.* And now the LORDGOD and bis SPIRIT bathfent ME.t Here are three chitin& Perlons, engaged in one Worlc. and Declaration. The Perfon, fpeaking by the Pro- phet, is the Perfonfent; and this Perlon fent Ryles him- felf, juft before, THE FIRST AND THE LAST. In a preceding Chapter $ this FIkST AND LAST IS called JE- HOVAH the REDEEMER, and JEHOVAH SABAOTH; which lait Name is applicable on noAccount, the Arians them- felves being Judges, but to the fupreme GOD. And in the Book of Revelation, at feveral times, we find the Lord yefus Cbrift of fuming this very Name, and laying, I am Alpha and Omega, THE FIRST AND THE LAST.§ CHRIST, therefore, being theFIRST AND THE LAST, the SENT ONE Of the FATHER and of the SPIRIT, and JE- HOVAH SABAOTH or LORD OF HOSTS, is in himfelf true and veryGOD, and alfo a Perfon of coequal Dignity with the other Perlons in the Godhead. Nor is the grammatical Conftruclion of the Text tobe unnoticed. It is not faid,. the LORD GODand bis SPIRIT HAVE fent, in the plural Number, but HATHfent, in the fingular; thereby intimating the Unity of the divine Nature in the Plurality of Perlons. The Miffion or Sending of Chrift by no means degrades the Honor of his Divinity. Even a Superior may be fent by an Inferior, if the See The Catbolir Doétrine of a Trinity, p. 5o, &c. where the ]?roof of this Particular is stated more at large, and beyond Re- futation. fi Ifaiah xlviii. 16. # Ibid. xliv. 6. § Rev, i. 11, 17. H. 8. xxii. 13. " Superior