Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

rtò GOD, ou. ALEHIM, &c: undivided ALEHIM is alto known with him, and cannot' be known without him. Behold your ALEHIM will come with Vengeance, even the ALEHIM with a Recompence; he will come and fave you. THEN the Eyes of the Blindfallbe opened, &c.* Thefe were the Signs of the Advent of Chrift; and, when John's Difciples inquired of him, whether he was the promifed Mefah, or not, he referred them to thefe Signs for Evidences of his Perlon and Dignity. CHRIST, therefore, by applying the Signs, applies the Name, which accompanies them, to himfelf, I am JEHOVAH thy ALEHIM, the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, thy SAVIOUR. f Thus faith JEHOVAH, the King of Ifrael, and his RE-. DEEMER JEHOVAH SABAOTH, ram the FIRST and I am the LAST, and betides me there is no ALEHIM. t O ALEHIM of Ifrael, the SAVIOUR. § I am JEHOVAH; and there is no ALEHIM betides me, a juft AL and the SAVIOTIR; there is none befides me. p Thus faith JEHOVAH thy REDEEMER, the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, I am JEHOVAH thy ALEHIM. ¶ Thy Maker is thine Hatband, JEHOVAH SABAOTH is kis Name, and thy REDEEMER the HOLY ONE of Ifrael, the ALEHIM of the whole Earthfhall he be called.: I am JEHOVAH thy ALEHIM from the Land of Egypt, and thou 'halt know no ALEHIM but me; for there is NO SAVIOUR BESIDE ME. tt The Argument is fhort. No Man, who profefï'es to believe the Scripture, will be bold enough to deny that Jefus Chrifi is the Saviour. The Arians, with all their Abfurdities, confefs it. But the Saviour, upon the re- peated Declarations of the Almighty, is and muff be JEHOVAH ALEHIM, JEHOVAH SABAOTH, JEHOVAH the Redeemer, and, in a Word, poffeffes whatever is proper * Ifaiah xxxv. 4, 5. f Ifaiah xliii. 3. Ifaiah xliv. 6. § Ifaiah xlv. 15. Ifaiah xlv. 21. if Ib. xlviii, 57. *" Ib. fit Hofeaxiii. 4. See likewife Alts vii. 38, 1 Cyr. x. 4. 0