Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

GOD, oR ALEHIM, &c. rta to the incommunicable Name, or is peculiar to infinite Mercy. CHRIST JEsus, then, let all Men know affiiredly, is both JEHOVAH and ALEHIM, and partakes, whatever the one Name lignifies of Power, and whatever the other denotes of Grace. The antient Church were taught to expert him in this View. They had no Dreams of a GOD lefs than JEHOVAH, no Hope of Salvation from a Creature. They knew that JEHOVAH alone could dejtroy among his Chufen the Face of the Covering which is calf over all People, and the Veil of Unbelief and Sin fpread over all Nations. They confided in Him alone tofwal- low up Death in Vittory ; and depended fimply upon him as the ADONAI JEHOVAH to wipe away their Tears, and to take away the Rebuke of his People from off the Earth. In this tranfporting View, we find them exulting in his Appearance; Lo, this is our ALEHIM, we have waitedfor him, and he willfave us; this is JEHOVAHwe have waitedfor him; we will be glad and rejoice in his Salvation.* This was the Honor they paid to their Re- deemer; whom fome, that bear and boaft of his Name, are not afhamed to degrade to a Rank but little fupe- rior to their own. One Text more (hall fuffice. Thy Throne, O ALEHIM, isfor ever and ever. f- An infallible Expofitor applies thefe Words to 7efus Cbrift. Heb. i. 8. Now, there can be no everlafting Throne but the Throne of an independent, felf-exift- ent, and everlafting Being. It would be Folly and Nonfenfe to addrefs fuck a Declaration to a mere Crea- ture. And, therefore, the Scripture is perfeEly con- fiftent with itfelf, when it fays, in another Place, JEHO- VAH reigneth, that his Throne it efabled of old, and that he is from everlajting; Becaufe the ALEHIM in the one. Text is JEHOVAH in the other; and CHRIST, confe- quently, being ALEHIM in the former Place, is JEHa- s Ifaiah xxv, 7, 8, 9. t Pfalm xlv, 6. Pfalm a, ao vArt