Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

12$ S H A D D A L of his all-fufficient Shaddai ? No ; it cannot be. They whohave much forgiven, muff love much. They, who receive moft fromCbrift, will love himmolt. None can flight or defpife the ever-gracious . and all-powerful Sbaddai, but thofe whohave not felt his gracious Power, winning, fuftaining, and quickening their Souls. If a Man know anything of Chrift; it will win his. Heart; it will caufe him to love. And the more he knows, the more his very Soul will be engaged, and the more will he lean and love. O what fweet Hours does that Heart enjoy, which loves Chrift for all he has done, and leans upon Chrift for all he has promifed ! How can the Lifeof that Man be miferable, who lives it by the Faith of the Son of GOD ? How can the End of that Perlon be without Honor, who then begins to reign in triumph with Chrift in Glory ? Siarely the Life of thofe People, on the contrary, mutt be wretched, who every Day look out for Death, and Jet have no Hope beyond it : and their End Difgrace itfelf, who (to ufe their own Language) drop into the Dark, into ever- 'ailingObfcurity. They eat and they drink only tobe the fattened Portion of Reptiles andof Worms. They take their Sport and their Pa.ftime, or occupy them- felves wholly in fome puny tranfitory Cares ; and, as if this was the whole Importance of Life, they Peek no farther. GOD and Heaven, Chrift and his Grace, as the Way to Heaven, are not in all their Thoughts. This is dying the Death of Abner ; * this is dying the Death of Fools ; this is dying to Death indeed. But, not fo the Chriftian. The gracious Shaddai, who fuflained him every Moment t through Life, will fuftain him every Moment inDeath, will fafely lead him through it, and happily land him, beyond the Reach of mortal or im- mortal Woes, in his perpetual Reft. He will allo be his Shaddai there. Never, never will that bleffed Name be forgotten in the Regions of Light, in the Dwellings of Love. Ai gels are, whatever they are, through him. Thrones and Dominions will do him Homage ; z Sam. iii. 33. fi Tfaiahxxvii. 3. for