Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

S H A D D A I. 121 for Thrones and Dominions derive their Exifl:etice and ieceive their Stability fromHim. No a Power in Hea- ven, but owes its Origin from him as the Source; not a Ray in Glory; but beams forth from his unbounded Light. All that inhabit, and all that is inhabited, from Height inconceivable tó the profoundefl Abyfs ; all, all Infinitudeand all Eternity,are inHim, and fromHim, and to Him. Well might the aftonifhed Prophet cry out ; How great are his Signs ! glow mighty are his Wonders !* And well might an Apolile in Amazement exclaim ; O the Depth, ofthe Riches both of the Wifdom and Knowledge of GOD ! How unfearchable are his judgements, andhi, Ways paft finding out ! -j- It is a Thought, it is a Hope; worth a thoufand Worlds--jefus Chrt; who is all this in himfelf, is all this for the humble Believer in hilt. O how fhould it tranfport the Heart of loch a worthlefs Worm (worth- let's indeed when abflrafled from Chrift!), that fuch an omnipotent and all - glorious Lord fhould (loop fo low, as to the Dirt ofEarth and to the Brink of Hell; for the purpofe of railing, fixing, and blefling him, and thou - fands no better than him, to a State, to a Crown, t&x a Throne, of eternal Glory 1 Come thin, Believer, re- joice. Rejoice alway, and rejoice again. He, wñó did not defpife to (loop fo low for thee, will flake his Om. nipotence to have thee. He. will nor, he cannot, return without accompli(hing any one End, for which he came into the World. Can any thing prevent him ? if any thing could, it would have been the forefeen Ingratitude of fuch Hearts as thine, which-are a greater Offence to his Grace, than all the Devils in Hell to his Power. But Hearts like thefe could not remove his Purpole of dying to fave them. And if he died for them ; will he not have them ? -- Can any thing fruflrate his Dcfign, or oppofe his Will? He mu(l hilt ceafe to be what he is, the omnipotent and the all- fufliicient Shaddaai. Sal- vation is as fecure, as Chrf could make it ; and as well. e, pan. ir. 3. + "Rom. xi. 33. X ordered: