Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

I 44 ADONAÍ. LORD, Covenant, was the Delight and Confidence of the 7ewij!i Believers before his Incarnation, as well as of Believers at large fince his Afcenfion to Glory. One and the fame Reafon endeared him to both: He was, is, and will be, the Support and Bafis of his Church throughout all Generations. Taking then thefe Scriptures together, -it---appears ; That the promifed MESSIAH was the expefted ADONt That, being the ADON of his People, he was therefore. JEHOVAH ; and that, confequently, he is ftyled,- in the Communion of the Sacred Trinity, ADUNAI JEtioVAlt and ADUNAI ALEHIM. Inftances of this Truth might be multiplied, if ne- ceffary ; but probably thefe will fuffice to convince eve- ry Believer; That he is not worfhipping a mere Man; as the Socinians dream ; nor an inferior GOD, as the .Irian maintain; but JEHOVAH ALEHIM in the human Nature, and united to the vifible Form, of JEsus of Na- zareth. Whatever is afcribed to the Father and to the Spirit, is afcribed to the Son, refpeding his divine Ef- fence; and whatever Names are peculiar to 7efus in the Scriptures, they are peculiar to him from force or other of his Offices as Man and Mediator. If it were other- wife; on what a flimfy Prop would the Faith ofGOD's People depend ? If Jefus was but a mere Creature; he could merit but for himfelf; he could not atone for others. All his Virtues, in that Cafe, were they ever fo many, or ever fo great, could avail but for his own Juftification : Theywould be due fromHim to the Au- thor of his Being, who endued him with a Capacity of exerting them. Not an Archangel in Heaven ; not a created Potentate in the etherial Maniions ; has a Tittle more Goodnefs and Obedience than he ought to have. Confequently, hehas none to fpare tothem, who need. If a Sinner applied to them (as the deluded Papifts do to the Saints) they would fend him away, in the Language of the Wife Virgins, faying, Not fo; left there benot enough for us andfor you: but goye rather to them that fell [to thofe who have aught to difpofe, for we have not]. and buy