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1 M M A N U E L. 149 our Salvation ; or, there is no Comfort at all in the Idea. But, to put the Matter beyond.Doubt ; the Prophet, in giving out the Name, prediEts force certain Circurn- ftances, which fhould attend the Appearance of him to whom it belonged; and expreffly declares, that he ffiould be conceived and born ofa Virgin. The Evangelifts, as one oftheir firil Proofs of the Truth of Jefus's Miffion, dwell upon this remarkable Circumftance of his Nati- vity, and infilt upon it, that he fully and exallly an- fwered the prophetical Defcription.* How comfortable then is this well-attefled Evidence, that the flntient of Days became an Afton` of Day 's, in order to reconcile his People to himfelf, and make them Partakers of his Gloryl If He had not been GOD infinite and ever- lafling, as well as Man in mortal Flefh ; the Rewardhe earned, and the Gift of Life and Salvation bef}owed upon his Redeemed, could not have been (what it is continually revealed to be) equally infinite and ever- lafting. But Chrii was IMMAFruEL, GOD with us, that he might purahafe eternal Redemption for us. This Pur- chafe was made both by the perfect Atonement of his Blood, and by the invaluable Merit of his Righteouf- nefs. He lived with -us, in a Courfe ofentire and un- finning Obedience to the divine Law, that we might be juftified, and obtain the Rewards of that Obedience in him : And he offered up himfelfwithout Spot unto GOD, that We might be acquitted ofall the Charges and De- mands, which that Law, broken by us, had againft our Natures and our Perfons. There was an infinite Worth, in both his a&ive and paffive Mediation ; for it was not It is applied to Chrifi in Zech. xiii. 7. who is there ilyled rrnv Pm' the Fellowof JEHOVAH, or, one equal to him; and, being II '0 with, in, or like unto us, he became our n'nn, ourFellow, our Brother and Friend. It behoved him (lays the Apotle) in all things to Pe made. L IRE UNTO his BRETHAHN; that be might be a merciful and faithful high Priefi, &c. Heb. E. 17. O 1VIatth. i. 22, 23. Luke i. 3o, &c. L 3 only