Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

M O S T H I G Ii. 1559 Love which is eternal, carry on the gracious Enter- prize, and crown it with Glory? The Covenant, the Promifes, the Attributes of GOD, confirm the reviving Truth : And (hall his People, who are fo much concern- ed, beflow of Heart to believe it ? The true Believer, therefore, upon thefe folid Grounds, is as much entitled, as exhorted, to rejoice in his Lord. Who Anil feparate him from the Love of Chrift ? He may challenge the World, and all the Crea- tures. How is it poffible to defeat the Almighty ? How can eternal Truth, folemnly engaged and gratuitoufly revealed, be contaminated with a Lye ? How can the Wifdom of the Creator be over-reached or perplexed by any of, or by all, his Creatures ?Such. is the Chrif- tian's Trutt and Security in Jefus. .FIe giveth to his Sheep eternal Life; and they (hall never pero, neither /hall any pluck them out of his Hand. None but ChrJt could havewrefted them from the Devil's Hand And will he fuffer the Devil to wreft them back again ? In that Cafe, Satan would feem to be the Molt High, in- ftead of the Saviour of Sinners. Juftly then is Chrift to the Believer the chiefeft of ten thoufand, and altogether lovely. What Views hath fuch an one, at times, of the great Redeemer ? A thoufand Aurae-lions appear in Chrì, which the World cannot fee ; becaufe it feeth HIM not, neither krcoweth HIM. His Wifdom, his Love, his Mercy, his Humiliation, his Blood, his Righteoufnefs, his Gifts, and his Graces; are the unwearied Meditation of fuch a Man's Heart, the delightful Topics of his Tongue, and the very Main- fpring and Subftance of his fpiritual Life. No- thing without CHRIST : every thing with Him. This is thy incomparable Portion, O Chriftian ; and this is thy never-failing Inheritance. Give Praife then to thy, heavenly BenefaEtor ; for it well becometh thetuft to be thankful. And, like the celeftial Holt which wel- comed in his Appearance uponEarth, be living, as well as finging, .to his Glory in the higheft. Within a while (and he. alone knows how foon that while may be) ; after