Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

[ 8i Mind of love (lays Lacictntius *) he meant the SPtkIT of GOD. And this agrees with what Diodorus Siculus j- fays of the Egyptians, that they named the Spirit (of GOD) Jupiter [which, according to ilulus Gellius,4 is the fame as Jovis Pater, or Jove the Father]; becaufe the Life of all the Creatures was derived from him. Plato, according to juftin Martyr and others, mentions the Holy Spirit under the Name of api1n, Virtue; which Name he fuppofes the Philofopher applied to this divine Agent, becaufe he would not be thought tohave borrow- ed his Knowledge of Him from the Prophets, from whom alone he obtained it. § And Cardinal Peario (cited by Gale) obferves, " That what is fpoken by Platoand all the Platonifls touching the Soul of the World [as the ef- ficient Caufe of all things) is, in our Religion, to be interpreted of the DIVINE SPIRIT." fi T'rifinegiftus con- feffed the fame Truth; declaring the Spirit to be ineffa- ble : ¶ And Mofes, with the Prophets, has but faid the fame; though to better Ends, and from a higher Au- thority.--Other Authorities might be added upon fùch a Subje& as this; but the unufual Prolixity of this In- troduction makes it neceffary to fupprefs them. With refpe& to the fubfequent Effays, the Author has obferved, that their principal Objeet is to prove the effential Divinity of the REDEEMER, from the Names and Titles, which are afcribed to Him in the Old refiament; and to chew, that, by thefe, the antient Be- lievers obtained their Knowledge (and they had Faith according to Knowledge) of his Perfon and Offices. He has imagined (with what Reafon muff be fubmitted ` De ver4 Sap. 1. iv. c. 9. t L. i. I L. v. c. t z. § Parßn. adGreeos. it GALE'S Court, &c. Vol. i. L iii. p. 43. rho. Gale, in his Notes upon Jambi/ehus, quotes Cyril upon a Patfage of Plato, That this great Philofopher maintained, that, from the fupreme GOD, came forth the MIND, who created all things. See alfo Lugs a. deprep. 1. xi, c. to. !(1 Lev'v, 1. iv. C. 9.