Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

L 93 ten Virgins Op~ned and Applied. -------- ~' ------ cri te;, and hard fpeeches trom che Godly, and they doubt whether they be Sons 1 or no. Now then che who'e vvorld !hall fee they are Sons, and fhall fiand amazed · at chem and !hall n0t doubt of ic, norrhe:nfelves, fo r the Lord !hall proclaim . it, and 'ch~y fha!l hear, rhefe are my Jewel;. And tfiis they look for, 1 John 1 3' 1;~·They chen look for ;ecompence to .all r~eir i~Go~t of love whim and his. Hence 1Cor.15·58. Kt••wmg7our la/Jour u n?t in v11m '"the Lord. Hence ~he Apo!He oft defers men for that recompence till now. The Lord jhew mercy to the Houfe ofOnefophorm in that diiJ, 2 Tim.I. I 8. So that fame Herecicks have thought fouls fleep rill then. They.may pray and no anfwer, feek to do good, and do none. Oh but the Lord wt!l recompence then abundantly. 6. They look then. to be.everwit_hthe Lord, I The[.4.17. Neverto be: pa~ted from him, never to !tve Without htm, nay never to go away from under hts wmg, our of his bleeding bofom oflove and endle!fe and unfpeakable compa1Ii0ns any more: And being with him to fee his Glory, and neve; ~ee rhe depth of it, and tohavetheLord t~ ferve them,L~ 12.)7,38. and glVlng whatever cheycal! for, and all chis when thoufand thoufands !hall at this rime be crying for a drop ofwacer,andcannot gerit. Now all this they look for, and more too: Which is, I. Certain. Eor hope 1t~ak.!th not a{hamed. 2. Which fills their hearts with Glory, and unfJ?eakable Glory roo: for it makes it fo clear ~nd certain, th~t rhey have it all already, for though abfenr, hope makas it as prefenr, ~om.8.24. He dorh not fay we !hall be, but we ue Jt~ved 6y hope·. Faith rakes hold on the beginning, h0peon the end. Oh the heavy wrath ofGod upon a world ofpoor, blind, ignorant men rbat have no hope, no hope of Chrill:, no hope ofGlory, unleffe a flattering, dead hope. What a fad thing is it to chink of a number of men char are buried in the world, and never to awaken unci! they fee Chrill in thec!ouds of Heaven, coming to be revenged on them. Oh me-chinks Iree them falling down before the Judgment-feat, and crying our, Oh that we had known of this day! Ob alas that I had hope, but non fuch an hope, but am now deceived. Oh 'cis orherwife with Saints, they !hall find what they hoped for, and infinitely more. What hurt can any do tbem? Let all the world come ag~inll ehem, their husband will come, and will kick them11nder his feet. Let chem load them with reproaches, fill their hearts with forrows, and their eyes wirh rears, their Lords coming will comfort rbem. Let Satan re:npr, and a Facher.bide his face, behold-the Lord cometh, that !hall deliver and redeem them ! Oh fee their ble!fedne!f~, and !er it draw you ro make up the march wich Chrill, chat never did it yet! He bath bin wooing of you, lon~in" for you, and you wooing ofhim again, Lord take me ! What hinders you then from llriking the ma_tch, ~nd concluding it? To give chy felfrhis day to him, and take him only, I rejoyce in him only, when nothing thou doll can be fo pleafing to him. And now you may look and believ~ what one day you fhall to your comfort feel. And account your felves mol: wrecch.:d creatures until che Lord be pleafed ro efpoufe you to himfe!f. SECT. V, OR hence le1rn what to judge of~hofe that never look fer the coming and U/e 3· company of the I:ord Jefus, but 'tis wich them, as it was with rhe lfratlius, Ofb:am. when Mgfos was gone mto the Mounr, and llayed there Ion", the people made their Calf, and wenc ro their feafiing and rejoycing : So t'he Lord Jefus being ~one for the Spirit of life, and. to prepare a place of Glory, it being now Ion" hnce, they make Idols of tbetr Jewels, and of their own excellencies, and of whatfoever is gl0rious fn their eyes in this world. Or as Chri!l compares the feN 3 cure