96 · The <J.> arable of the -i r-o~do~ir-;-ve~ri~ly~if_oo_t_t~hu-s,-y-ou~l-oo~k-no_r_fu_r~Ch-r-iG-,2-P-n-.3-.I-I,-12-,r-4-.I- ,o-rif you did, you woul~ fay and think, if tO be like him be my Glory, Oh rhen rh,u Imigbr.rhenhavetrnow. Sonstharare bom to rheirhope~ inrheCc,>urr, will go in rhe Courr-falh~on: ~eggars char are born and b~ough.r up under hedge;, conrenr rhemielves IVllh rherr rags, fo here: Lord where rs thts Spinr? efpecially even among us. There is fcarce any bur either would be honert, and rbcn ho'"es God accepts of his will,or will be lo, & then 'tis only fo much as will creditorcdmforr him. Lord when: is the man rharr mourns for this, how far lhorr he falls of Chrif.l, of Chrifu thoughts, ChriHs prayers, Chrilts fpeeches, Chrirts meeknefs, butonlyparches up his comforts with fome ends of Gold and Silver, and lhreds of Honelly : He harh heard others reach and preach, and gers fome lhreds of knowledge, thence he fees what others are, and do, and gets fomewlm to be like them. Have we not qyed our, rr.en are roo good ro be berter in our own Land ? And unle!fe a few under Affiietion or Temptation, who is ? I pray God fuch a race c0me nor over hifuer, where God looks you 010uld get a higher pitch ; pur o!f your !Vilcerne[e-ihoes, ~er rhofe lins removed rhat provoked God there; or elfe belides the mifery of a he.ut-brand upon thee, rhou dolt not look for Chrif.l, and therefore art either nor efpoufed, or afleep; and ihalr ifmr by rhe Word, by rhe terrour of God be dre;dfully awakened. Oh New-England, NCP~-Englmzd, chat art now making a conquert of rhe world, and feekeH for rhe fpoyl of it toenrich rby felf, to recover thy lofles, and therefore make(l a truce with thy dif.lempers for a rime, and do(l: nor purge rhy felf as Chrifl is pure, I dare not yer reil thee what ChriH Jefus harh eo fay unto thee! Therefore think of rhis, U[e4. 1 if nee rhus, you have no hope, 'cis but calk and mrion in rhy head. And you rhar do nor, he /hall co:ne in a rime when thou lookef.lnot for him: And hart !not fo much Grace as rhe five foolilb Virgins had? This is rhe frame of men and Profeffors, what are they? They were troubled, humiliation is patt, rhey I have looked for falvation by Chrirt, rhat is pafl; rhey have been comforted, that is pafl; What Holine[e ? They will pmy in Families, keep company with 1 Saints, get into Chrif.l, receive Sacramenr.s, that is pafl. What lack rhey yet? Manywants, butGodaccepts their defiresforwhat rhey wane, andrharistheir Circle of Honc~fly now, and there rert. Is it not rhus? Is this ropu.rgelike I Chrift? If any have more, Oh wonder at rh. e Lord for ir. Bu~ if not, Oh rhy doom! I SECT. VI. 1 oH you efpoufed and beloved of the Lord, look,for his coming, look for his 1 company; rheworld looks nor for him,_ becaufe they care not for bi-n. Will yot~alfo depart? Hath he called thee as a Ytrgm forfahen, and nor comforted, a; a wifeofyourh, and given himfelfro thee, and given thee a he.lrt to give content to him, and rhy felf to him in lieu of his love, life and all, if it might do him any good? Oh are you born to fo great hopes, and are rhey not worrh rhe looking af_ ter ? God forbid. Do this therefore efpecially in there five Cafes. r. Incafeof flr.mgene!fe felt betweenthyfou!and Chrifl: It mayberhou thinkef.l, Oh he that bath faved, preferved me, c.11led me, when I never lo~kt after him, redeemed me when a captive, every moment pardons me, a d.nly friend unto me, that hath given me Ordinances, given me the CO'nforr of rhem : Bur Oh yet to be afl:ranger to him, this cuts : Oh look now for this rime, I Th. 4·17,18, When thou /halt fee that bleeding hem, that hath loved thee a~o_ve all Princes and Anue!s, chat body in the G!o7 of the Father, and beasfamthar with him as thou a(;; with any friend, and fee his Glory, and rhe Father in him,and know as th!OlU art known. Oh look for this, for it null be fo. z. In