Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

'I !____________ : f~iii~!~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~ti~~~!~~ i ~999t999999999~999~9999999999~~f~9 To the R E A o E R. F thou art one who knowefl what 'tu to he ferious in the great bufinef of providing for Eternity, 'ti; very probable tho11 maift he no flranger to the N11me uf thio Reverend Author, now with God, whofe N1tme in both the Englands i; a1 an ~ ~~~[j oyntment pottrtdforth; And then thou wilt be eagerly de(irous to peru(e theft fo!Jowing Sermons, in tendency to the further inma{ing thy 1.ftock of fPiritual oyl, and when thou hAjl read them, andJuckt forth theJ fiV~etnef and nourifhment contained in them, and hy the afiftance of theJ holy Spirit turned them into good And hetdthfu!J nutriment to ·thy foul, 1Ft queffion not but it Will inhance the Authors worth in thy thot~ghts and eflimation. But perhaps thou h.ifl never lighted on any of d oje Flowm which , thu Holy mAI'J bath planted in'Gods garden, .4nd then wear! confident thou ,I wilt meet with fuch [av1ur1 fweetnef in thi5 DifcDttr[e, lf4 will make thee I 111i{h Chrifls church had longer enjoyed {o chuioe Ami ski/full aWorkmAn. If thou hee.ft one who hAth hitherto little confidered ofGod and thJ [or1l, and the cormrnments ofEternity, or only now and thm had fome rMrning dew thoughts of thAt which de(erves and requires the choietfl andmofl vigorom workiHgJ ofthy{oul,we wifb thM wonldft fo far comply with Gods goodnef in bringing this Book to thy hand, a11dgratifi( thyJel(, (we meAn thy Soul,thy better [elf,) lf4 to read over thii'IretJtifo, in whichthor1 wilt meet withthofe I Jerious and (or1l-piercing 'Irr1ths, which hy Gods blefing maJ he M poyfo» t{} thy lufls, and awaken thee to a {erioru and heart] en:agint in thAt work ' which none ever yet repented of. For the occa(ion of puhlijbing thi; Piece, we refer thee to the larger Epi.ftle of our ReverendBrother, and only Adde, that tlaugh avein of ferious, folid and hearty piety run through all thi; Au· 1 '-thorsWorks, yet he h11th referved the bejl wine tifi the /aft, The Lord help I thee and us fo to reade and improve theft And jrtch like labours ef Gods Harvefl men, that we waJ with the Wife Virgins have the Lamps of ourfouls trimed And furnifoed with oyi, that when the Bridegroom jhall come rveJ may he ready to enter with him into his Kingdom. Whi&h il andfoal! be the prayer of us, wha are hwty weD·wiflms to thy Soul, vmmb.>4. 1659· Wil!iam Greenhill, Edmund Calart~y, John Jackfon, Sirneon Afb, William Ta.ylor. THE