Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

renVirgins ~penedandAp_p_lz_.ed_·~--~ CfirifisJove , you can never com~ to Chrift , men~now ·nor thy Hypocrif:c, thou doH: not, but )efus dorh, and wh•t good.wtll rhy Fatth do thee then? Ic yvas ~ · fweet fpcecb of ChriH, Thy Faith hath fav~d rf:te. Oh heavy when it lhtll bJe C1id, thy Faith bath damne? thee., that whtch I thot~ght ro ?e rhe way of ltfe, ts the way of death ; rrul~ fo lt Wt\1 \t you. d? not fetch lt ?ut ot Heaven. . . II. Thofe that do beltcve, buc'they fat! m rhe o\J;ect,t.c. they dofe wtrh Cinfi, SitJn z; bur rhey know not who be is : that as theWoman of Samaria char had fome look- 0 ings to rhe Mejfi;~h, fhe did wori11ip whom ihe knew not : fo men beleeve in one whom rbey know nor, only hlve heard rhe fame of. For rhere are nyo things in the Gofpel. ~. The outward words and letters. z• • The rhings com~ined in rhofc words: Hence there is adouble knowlc:dg of Chnft. 1. Afmraeyknowledg, a,s a man that .hears of any thing abfent; prefently fancies rhe thing in his head. · 1 . . z. There is an intuitive kuow~edge whereby the foul doth nor only fee words aild fancies, but beholds the rhings themfelves: Hence it comes-r~e that many a man hearingr!.e Fame, and receiving the fancy ofChriH, beleeves in him, bur nor feeina him indeed as he is, therein he beleeves i'n one whom he know~ nor: and henc~ rhe Lord Jefus may be a hidthina eo many a man, and rheGofpel a: f~al~d Book, rho• gh be tives and remains in ihe very light of the S!ln, and that all his d.aies : Hence Chrifi !an:: ems Jerufalem, Oh rh11t thou hadft i0own, hut 110w hid,hid ; and yet Chrifl Preachc. t es, ·1Jcut. 29. 4· You . h11ve heard and fem , 1111d 7et th; Lord harh n6t given a hear.t to fie to thu d117; So •tis wirh many a foul, you have heard with your em the great things of the Kingdom ofGod, yet i:he :Lord bath noc given you eyes to fee: you have feen deli"c:ranceson Sea, yet the lord bath nor given you hearts rounderfiand: and if fo, all your Faith is naught, ~nd profeffion and affection vile, and e!'cates miferable, 1. Cor. 3. 18• .All w6 with.optn fatte,&c. . But mt1111fee tt not[.. · • · Objefl; Iconfe{fe fomemayfee more darkly, and be maurning under it, yet he chat .Anfw• doth nor in parr , he towhom it is hid, z Cor. 4- 3, 4· is one of them char be lofi, whofe ryes Satan h~tth blinded, John 6. 45. He that bath heard a11d lc~rn• d of the Father : Many hear, but never learn of the Father ; hence never come truly uhto ChriH; 'tis in this cafe as 'cis with a Tray tor , he comes to rhe King for his life, and prayes for his Sons fake ; rhe King fends for him,. and faith , here is one that beggs fo' your fake, do you•know him? For my fake I I wonder on what . ao:quaintance, ho is a !hanger to me, and therefore I regard him not. So here. .. . ' , ' IU. Thofe.that have fome1kind of fight of the ObjeCI:, and fee Chrill, but siun 3 . rheFe is a wound. in the fubject, becaufe rheisr Faith arifeth and fprings out of an "' • ill foyl, it's in fuch a party rhac never was yet rhroughly rent from his fin, and h~e is the great wound of the mofi cunaing Hypocric~ living: for rhare are cwo things in him, • . . · . , 1. Acl!'nal heart, which cannorbefacisfied with a fpiritual good with Chrill; hence he mufi hav'e his lufi. · , Z<. Aconvi.Jl<;ed cenfcience, .whicb cannot be quieted without Cbrilland mercy; hencemenclofewirhChrifi,andtheirLu!'cnoo. Lookas it was ·with the Hony ground, and tborny foyl, they beleeved, buthad ·aHanear bottom, '"Ht roots ·" ~ of ~iNernefs ,, &'t'. Thefemendnfomerimet~le:tdacquamtancewithChrifi,_LII~ 13· z6, 27. yecwork!_rs of iniquity·, 1. Pet. "ti. :I9l 20, Som-e.had efcapcd.rhepol- ~ionofthe worla~· char yoU.may do, bur a fwinilh natute.Jafis-, char r-hey fever folr,orgrew not im rhefeelingofit, and loofening from ir: -:is with Apncockrrees rooced in che.earch, boc Jeani'ng on.che. wtll ;. fo they on €hrifi. Oh cGnGdet of chls, leta..m an he cafi clewn. 01$ low as Hell by forrow; •lnd lye underJour' cha'ins,.quaking in:~pprehenfioncl'terrour eo ~me, letamanchen be raife up t6