Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied.. have any part in the Bleffingof Ordin.u:ces, reH nor without ir. --'--- Hen'e feewhar need you have of am1gbry and unreli!hblc:po)ver of the Lords Ufi 3 Grace and Spirit, to q rry you an end in your Chriilian courfe, if ever }'OU come w e ' life. For if Hypocri!ie di!Covers it felf in an ineffeC!ual ufe of means, then you \vi! I find all rhe powers of darknetfe refilling ~nd feeking to furprize you here. That as 'ris \vi rh Thieves, youfhall not fee nor find them lying in the Ciry, 'ris in vain there to offer any violence, but in the way; So Sar~n cannot fiep unto rbe Gate3 of Heaven ro keep you from !'hence, and hence aJl h1s power and policy liesin thew.q of, w keep you from thence. And hence look upon the bell man, howmany hindrance3 to Prayer fomr ime, rhougb he bath raHed the !iveer of ir, he had rather die than pray. How foon are the thoughts turned from God, when we come rodraw nigh to God, how un~ble ro wake one hour? Tlut if it were !lOt the ir.winci.ble firength of a God that did fupport them, I Pet. I. 5. they could never go on. Tell me you poor Creatures never were effeCtually carried w your end by me111s, Do you not oft find checksfor lin, deGres again!t ir, Chrif!: and mercy weeping at yom knees, melting over you, and your hearts almofl r erfwaded? Do you not find awant of CbriH, and Grace, and Spirit, and Pro;ni tes, and youho~ ir will be better? Do you not find rome tmovings rowards rhe Lord, but yer Withal do you not find a dead, iloathful heart f1aye3 you again? The verie!lreprobarein theworld may have as good an alfurance of heaven as thou, there may be better in Hell than thee. And who can mend this? Ion", long it bath been thus. Oh then feel a need ofrhe Lords irrell fiable power! Tbgu indeed baH an end, but fay,Lord .rh0u mu!t cmymelike aloft fheeponrhy fhoulder s to that end ! Seelz.the L•rd and hu ftrength, feelz.huf11Ce evermore, in all me<ns, ar all ri rnes, bu.r feek his Hrength tHen, Col.r. 29. !labour thm,ftrivmg IICcordicg to hi1 workjng, which w•rk.! in me mightily : and fo I flrive. Ob fee need of rbis ! Many of you make work with your own hems, and !trive, and endeavour, and yet cmnot Hir. Oh look then for this might¥ working, and fe«l a. need of ir! , · SEC::T. IV. HEnce judge whar your efiates are rhis day before the Lord. I know and believe tlm you prize, pray for, long fort be end, and if ever the Lord faves and pardonsyou, you f11 all have caufe to blelfe hi:n. You may do as barh been faid, but never find ahem given you by the invincible wrefilings of aGod t() ufe and improve all means. to tbat end ; and thus your pra61:ife in the habitual negleCt of me:ms is ad earand manifdt wirne!fe, like the day againH you, that you do nor de!irefinccrcl y rbeend ( 01s you think) in having fo little refpeCt to themems th.1t conduce rhereumo. Did yote ever fee that man that did indeed defire life, bur be woul d ufe all means, wits, and friends, my cut off his Limbs to preferve it? Bur bcwever, put that name upon it, fay you do defire and prize.rhe end; yet if rbe Lord leavesyou, or you forfake the Lord in a neglect of means, that lead therero, andthareffeetually; what you m;ly be, and whar ,rhe Lord may do, I know nor, but to this day ,your eftate i> 1'\0 better than apaimed J':tlvation and piCl:ured hypocrifie before the Lord. Th1t O:one at which the cl oleO: hypocrites have !t umbl~d, that rock on which the: befl: hypocrite bath been broken, thou art f•llen upon, that ene:ny of iloath, which bath carried Kings ( me1;1 rh:it have worn the Crown of Profeffion in the 1vorld) miferable Captives, ( notwi.rhHandit)gtheirlamemablecries, .Lordfaveus !) to hell, thefame enemyharhalre;~qy bound thee·up in CNaines, and what will become of thee:, 'tis only known in hi~ Bre~!t, rharby rbe voice of his Trump can a\vaken rhe dead, and break the 1:iond> off1o1rhand death ir felf. But you will fay, there are no Virgins among us neg\eC! ro take their oyfe, thar fo far forget rhemfelves as to negleCt the mems, rbar are come fo many thoufand miles for means ; there is not aday but X3 fu~ . I Ufe4. OfTrittl.