Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. 161 world have ·preached their hems our, at iJ!l: rhey :nult bring us to Chritt; whlt ,-.--- dfc i11ouldrbeAroftlen:e0.n,· Rom.4. 5· Nott~h•m that w•rk!th, but beleeverh is faith accoH/1/Cd for righte&ujr.efs. j mttj'.. not live, I '?'"ft let Chrift live, &c. Am! hence fny rl~ey rhe caufe of rcni11m~ 1s noc mens Wills, bur Gods, he e:ecrs nor, he gives no heart; fuc~ hypocrires tre Lord prophelies of, !f1"t: 7· 2 I. Many thar Jaz ro me Lo~d, L•rd, 1. th,lt advance rhe Lor? Jefus; and hve 111 neglect of all duties, ~nd bnng the Lord of glory_noc from h1s Throtie 111 He.1ven to Hell, but which 1s 1Yorfe, debafe bun fro.n h1s glory ro fin; ro be rhe cover of fin, and prore8:or of ir. Beloved, I know no Curer lign ofa velfel that God intends to brc.1k in reeces then this, ro li1•e in this negleCt, 2 Tim. 2. 2,0. Nay 'ris an evidence there is no bore, no living hGpe; ! Job,. 3,· 3. He that hath this hope, purgethhim{elf a; C/r,-ijf is pure. Many ir-feems boafted of hope in Chriit, fo do S:;ints, bur be gives this Nore, He purgem bimfelf, he will nor fluggi01,ly pur all on Chri£1:. Tis rrnc, 'lis rhe mighty working of Cbti!l: char mu!t conquer rhy luGs, bur muG this pur you ro negleCt !hiving, Col. I. 29. 1 flrive according to the work:_'ng. Anrl f0r mine own parr., thou~h Ile_not difpure rhe point at large, I beleeve, there is a c01~lbnt affiltance of the mtghry power of the Lord Jefus I in the fouls of all the Saints, 1 Pet. I. 5. And hence I John 4· Gmtter is he 'that is in pu, then in the world. The Saints as they receive the Lord Jefus ro rule rb.em, th :the alone m<tY be Lord and King not only in heaven, but in their hearts; So a fa lie hem receives Cl)ri£1: lafHy for to e1fe him : SOmetime for w e.ue him of the bnrden ofConfcience; (ometime to cafe him ofrhe Lor.Js work, rhe bprthen of his will; and hence (ome at la£1: have compbined, though hardly con,·inced of ir, rh1r they could be contented the Lord ihould act them; but rheir end W<lS, tha r hereby they might be rid of their burden, and fo eafed by bim. I have he 1rd a ~eflion iliotild be askt, What is the difference between the workings of Gods Spirit and the Saims? And that the Anfwer was, I. The one is by graces,the other i'Timediarly. 2. The Spirits is, when a mm labours . !call: quite cro(s to the flream of truth: Take heed lww you under!hnd there points arighr, the deprh of rhCJ moi1: be\liili villany in rhe world lies un er them. Wo rotheethlrc,mH:p.tint fuchaChriflin thyhead,andreceive fuch a Chri£1: inro thy hem as mu!l: be a pander to your florh ; the Lord will revenge rhis wro.':1:V done to his glory \'iith greater forrows then ever any felt: To 'm\ke Chr1f! not only me,lt and dnnk to feed, but clo1rhs to cover your £loch. Why wi<\at can we doe? whac cm we doe? Why as the fit£1: Adam.conveies nor only guilt but power : So rhe fecond conveys both righteoufnefs andfirength; ~s Cbrift is now triumphing by his eternal Spirit, and his life is heavenly; fo tf you be in Chri!l:, there is a Spirit of Chri£1:, whereby a never dying life is begot, that can and dorh conquer ; though it be but a fpark, C)lri!l: maintaining i r, it iliaHcomero viCtory. You :rreforfaken ofChri!t if you wane this, or elfe rake heed this colour make you not forfake bim. · 6. Thole that negleCl: the means , and yet look for the end in hope of future time, and fo neglect the prefent feafon. Thus'ris with many a one; rhe day of life and health, and day of Ordinances continues; and hence the fluggud er yes, Prov. 24. 3 3. Yet a little m•r~ Jlumber, i. ' Ile have but a little white longer, &c. Hencewhen Confcience checks,MiniH:ers warn, the Lord wooes, the Spirit cries; a man puts off all witb this, I hope it will be better : And hence it fJ!ls out with them as wirh thofe Matth. 24. The Lord .comts in 11 time they look, not for him ; and of this many on their deathbeds have cryed out. Think of this you conviCted .perfons that knGW its mifc(able with you, before God flop your bre.1rh; ' you have nothing to plead for yournegleCl:, but hope of tin:e. Kno1v it, Gods prefent feJfons are golden, Gne momel'lt worth ererniry; and now is the time, if you neglect his feafon, he will not regard yours. God is never found irl your time, but in his time. Oh lay there ~hings to heart.! Y efpccially