Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

I . ten Virgins OpeneddndApplied. · 163 etb bun. When a mans meat is fo far from doing good , as rhar ir dorh him ;,_____ )lure, he is dying ; fo ~h~r fin is dying; that fl.o:h is dying, when food given ro . · (tr dorh kdlir. Davtd IS ready to gtve up all; yer furh, Its good for met• draw I neer to God, and there d:e hearr will ,repofe ir felf again. . , SECT. Vr. OH be nor flothful then, neglecr no tneans, bur ufe all .means, ger oyl in Uji 6 your veffels that you may get your defired end. Mariners that are bound o/ E. h for a voyage, when fer our,will nor bear reft iill rhey ar_e lat1ded. where rhey x ort. would be. It w.1sone of 'the Churches forrowful cvmplamts, I fat. 64. 7· None thatftirs uphimfeif, &c. But I finde many hindrances wirhour me, many fins wirhin ine, I have fome- · Obj eEl:. rime neitherflrengrh (nay which is worfe).nor yet heart to feek rhe Lord, though my wants are many, though my days decllhe; how !hall I doe? . 1 I. Finde our rh at which clogs thy hem from feeking effeetHally, and caufeth .Anfw. 1 l that ne., \ect,and that makes the Lord negleCl: thee in rhy ineffeclual feek1no; elf.:: ' thou m~yelt feck .md never finde, and is f0me luft, fomerhing rhar ~aferh rhe hem which is not God. When the foul harh.nor bread, ir will wirh rhe Prodig.1l rhen refolve for home; men could nor live as rhey do , fo many days wirhour God, unlefs rhey did feed on fo :newhat elfe be!ide the Lord. Hence its ufual for men in means, w ufe me.1ns for a good, and out of meanS' to re!ifi rhar good, I fa. s8. I, l. Zat·7· 6. Men that would have their loaddrawn,mufi firfi take rbeir wild Horfes our of ir: So do with thefe lulls. If therefore not for your own, yet for rhe Lords fake, who elfe will not be accounted worrh the fceking,fi;~deourwharever contents you; nece(Iity bath no Holidays, ob you muil: have him ! . 2. Ufe means,but rrufl not to them, nor to ahy flrength received tO carry you along in rbis work : you will elfe negleCt and f~lJ.from rhe Lord, and the Lord from you. Its faid of .Afa, 'i. Chro. I6,u, 13·.-Afa WIU difeafed in hi< feet in hi< old age,y~t /;e fougbt n•t (a the Lord, but Phyjitiam : S? 'ris with many a difeafed Chnlhan, rbey feek not ro rbe Lord, to cure rheit feet, but means, or rhemreh•es, hence he decays and dies. Yod have the of all temptations ag.1 intt you, 'ris not your own Oa~s, bm the Lords ~vinde that mull: carry you againfl it ;.look therefore to an almighty power in means ro help you, plead Gqds Covenant to pur his fe .tr into your hearts , rhat you may nor depart froln hiln, as he will n0t forfJkeyou, I Cor. I 5· Io. P~ul receivtd not grace in vain, lmt lt?bDs<rs abundantly; 7et not I, but gract. There is little fear of drowning fo long aswe keep head aliove water, to long as we cle,!Ve ro rhe Lord Jcfus. 3· LoH! the prefence of tlie Lord and his company. If rbere be any love between you, you will then finde time, and nothing !hall keep you from him, Jer. 2. x, 2,3. I remembertheloveof thine efpoufals, wben th•u folluwedjt me in a wildmte[s thorllw pits dnd defms. Remember he barb been in heaven pr.1y ing for thee, when rhou hafl: been pro,'oking of him, be hath been bleffing rh~e, when tilou bafl been -abufing him, it may be he barb let out his heart blood to make roo•n for thee it\ ~is heart, it may be he inrends through all eternity ro expref~ .his deardl: love to thee, ~nd is he not Worth your love? Love him, and you will bewitb him, rove will be flrd'nger th<m dettb, it will break all thefe bonds. 4· Set before you the greariiefs of rhe good you are to ure ali me1ns to gain ; wbydo men hunt afcer f!efh-Rot,s? The wot lc\ ls efteemed great, 'ris near us, ~nd fo for honour : N01V Ch tiil: :i!1d ererj1i~ are afar off, md hen:e rhey f~em lmle, and hence ro feek rhe :n is not Iha'de a bufi~efs of greatell: weight and un.: Y z . porrance, •__..