Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

172.1 T'he'Parableofthe ----------~----------~~-----------' Ufe z~ be are no: fo full of thefe fores of impaciency: but you pray for God d Grace, and have it nor. Why fo ? Thefe are not rh~ thin"s rhat you ar~ 0a~ fer for. Why ? Becaufe you are comen~ , w_irhout them. "'I am nor, you l~i!J fay. But yo~ are; for you doe not lament. daily after the Lord far rhefe rhin"s only :rhat which only fausfies, that thy heart 1s not at refl: rill it find : I hope I m"'y have help for all this: No faith James, think not fo. Oh therefore blefs the Lor~. You know what burrs you ; Samts have hurts thus: but rbey purge tbemfelves ~d hence are ble!fe~ ve!fels Ril!· ·Whet1 Mofes was begging for, Ifrael,mine Angtl: fmhG?d,jhlfllgo~ WlthJ'"' I will not. No, thou only, elfelet tU diehm, E:~:.d. 33. ThiS prayer wms die ~el? & w~ars ~he garland. The evils of the Churches are n:any, an ~our ofremptauoms commg on; fcandals are like to be great ; rhe fubtilues enemies ofmany. Now we pray,and yer thefe have come,md we fear they will come. Oh beloved,g? to the Lord,and plead wit~ him only for this ;and when thou an!1: procure nothrng for thy felf '· yet let It fare well with Sion : and rhis only I muLl: have. Pfal. '-1· 4· Ontthmg hMJe 1 deftreJ. You !hall have it theq, elfenor. See the great fin of thofe that lofe their life , preferve not the Spirit when he comes to diem i': Ordinmces! you are v~!fels onely made for the Lord, and will you lofe that which He drops m? Thereisnoot~er~ can receive him, [o/;11 14 , 17. and when He comes to you, do_ you thus requite Him? &c. CHAP. XVIII. Tbat the Holy Spirit is in beleilJers as the Principle of their Spiritual Life and Holine!Je. - SECT. I. THat withinthefe Vejfels, iutn inr~~~trdPrnicipleofLifeand Grnce. or, The bt~rningfhining profeffion of lfll the faithft~l, it proceedeth from an i11"111ard Principle ofthe Spirit of GrMe , bJ the mean! of which, their Lamp b1mts and their Profoffion Jhines. , For this I under!1:and byoyl in the ve!fel,the Spirit of Jefus,not out of us,but received in us·; not coming only upon us , for fa he may on foolilh virgins,by Balaamitifh ravi{hments, and ~ypocri~ical pang~, aJld lan?-~<:od aff~Ct:ions ; but abidin"in us, and thatnotasttdorh mhypocmes ,but as 1t1s m Clmtt}efus, without me~fure, both Spirit and Graces , fo it abides in us in n:eafure: in Him as the fountain, in us as the ve!fels , from whofe fulnefs, we rece1ve the fame. So tha5 by oyl is not meant the external Principle of all Life , the Lord Jefus having Spirit, and Grace enough , buo keeping our hearts emp~y of it: but rhe Lord Jefus in us, who is not in us, but by his Spirit,even the Spim of Life, from whence all our aCt: ions fpring, and from which oyl our lamp burns. This therefore I fay, the Profeffion of rbe faithful, fprings not from outward motives, or principles ofmotion, as the aCt:ions ofhypocrites; fometimes fudden praife,fometimes gain, fametimes fears, fometimes flet'hly hopes, fomerim~ fudden conceipe and fancy, fame times irruption and rulbings of the Spirit upon them; bu~ thereis ,'a fpring within, there is a lifewithin; there isoylein the Ve!fel ea fill the lamp, and fo hence it burns.