Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Opened and Applied. 3 ---------------------------- ey.; war< herb nor, the ear hea,rs nor, ~be t:m~ue rattes nor, the body f~e l ~ not; j lo this 1s an mgredten: of carnal fecumy, rt bmd; up al.l the f~nc~s, as 1! drd the 1 Propber Jonu/J his in the ltorm; ~~hen mifery wasup<;>n him~ he heard (lor, be! faw nor, h:! felr nor; 10 when m1fery, outward orfpmwal, rs upon aman,· he 1 rh . 1r bad quick iences bdore, his ~ye fees nor, warchetb ~ot! _Cbrifliaf\S ~1eg- I JeCl: their warchfulneis for tbetr fnends, the Lord, and hts Sptr!t, and_co:mng; / nor wareh agair;H_t hetr enemres that d~tly_ be!iege them ; the e_ar bear~ nor rbe ,l voice of the Mtmll:ry, the voyce of Provtdence;-, the voyc.~ of the fp1r_1t wtth- r in; rbe fou I fmels not, ta(!es not the fweet of any pror.ufe , any Or~tnance, J no ror oft be grace of the Lord himfe/f; hence itcommends rbemnor; nav the-! foul fee_is nothing, no evil, no good the Lord cloth him; tbat _l~ok <JStbe lord , 1 · rbere fard, fj,..29-9,IO- The Lord hath poured Hpon y•u a JJ;mt of ~eep, ·a,d hath clojed rouY eyeJ; fo the Lord clofeth up ·all the f~nce~, char-a man is j now fl upid,· when ~e is falle~ a!leep in fec~riry. . I 4· In fleep there rs a ceff.mon fro.11 fpeak rn~ and motton: there a man·keeps • filence and lies Hill; fo in carnal fecurity, the fpirit of prayer is lilem, lja. 64-7· J'fa/.32.1,2,~. Davidcallsitakeepingof filence; up,whyJleepe(lthon? feel( tQ EhJ God, lay the Mariners; in9eed men may talk in their !leep, fo men n:ay pray in their deep fecurity, yet not rh roughly awakened: And rher~ .is a lying {till, no progrefs ; fo in ea r,nal fecuriry the foul fiands at allay, goes not backward, grows not worfe, hut goes not forward; fuch a one is compared to the door on {he hing<:. ' 5· In {Jeep the fences being llupified, and motion ceaf~d, a man fJlls a dre.tming; fome dreams he forgers, fome he remembers, and in his !leep fully and firmly believes rhem; fo in carnal fecuriry, n0w a mans mind dreams of chat which is not, and of that which never !lnall be ; a mans mind is grown vain, and full of fancies and dreams ; thofe 'things which never enfered into Cods thoughts , fometh ing a man dreams of the Lord that rh is is his will and mirid; which is not; of the world, chat ir. is a goodly thing; of things to come which !lnall never b~. ' 6. In deep !leep, tbo·ugh aman b~ awakened, yet he pref(!ntly is overcome I by his !leep a\\ain ; fo that is another,ingn;dient into fpirirual !lumber; fleepinef,> is predominant bver his watchfulnefs ; and thus it was with the Difciples in the garden, th<!y !lept ; the Lord came once and twice, and awakens them , yet they flept rill temptation furprized them ; fcarce any Chriflian fo fecure in the chambers ofChriH, but he bat h fotne kno'cks of confcience, fome cries of the Miniitry,forne woundings from the Lord,~nd they do awake: him,but yer he falls to fleep agai ,J. . sE ci. nr. \V E ilull now !hew the Reafons why Virgin Churches in the !aft days are orwill b~ overcome by fecurity. · Fi:Jl, Becauf~ that in '_'irgin Church~s there are the fironsefi provocations to thts fin : Wh1ch are ch1efay three. I. Relt and places of peace, and freedo:n from hard b0ndaoe; J acob. r:r,ay fleep with his Gone under his head, but much more' eallly undej his own Vine- ~nd_Figrrees. A man may be fecure in the rimes of trouble, b~t much mpre rn _ttmes of peace, when we have our beds made fofr for us, and ealie piUows. Fnends.can boldly defire us to reH, where there is !odoinos for us: The world chruHs ns out c,f lodging: While the prick ~sat the ~relt the .Nig_hcjngale ac wakes and fing,, but when that is taker] away It {leeps 111 the day. In times of ____ A a a 2 . perfecurion