Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. . of rhy old nature: no ; why then I pronounce thou arc yet marricdro the Law, take and rrufl never fo much to Chrifls righteoufneffe, If under the power of a 21 proud hem an unclean hem flil!,never fpeak of ChriH. _ 6. They ;hat are fearf~l robe rroubl~d at their eflare to have it prove ill, which.a Sign 6. Saint may do, yec brings 1t out to .the l~ght at lafl,.John 3. zo. When a Woman 1s married to a condemned nian, gUll t bemg upon h1m , he loves not w be feen abroad in the fiP-ht of others; thou heareH a Sermon , and art loath it lhould be found out loa~h robe troubled; he that bath righteoufueffe in Chrifl will not only brina ic'to rryal, before men, but God himfelf. N01v is it rhus \Vith any of you? 1~hat lhalll fay? lhall I fay that Chrifl is or may be ~hine in this e!lateUruly ifl durllllhould ; blefs thy f~lf. thou maift : but r~mem~er that :he Lor~ will take thee eo do for it; and what IS 1t to lofe commun10n With Chnfi, I canno~ exprefs ir. The Difciples were fad when he went away from them in his abafe. _ment, but fo• the Lor1 ro leave thee, when in his glory, ro flan_d afa; off and fee him ao, never to~ee h1m more, when note,trs lhall ever prevail agam; Therefore ff thou halt been found ouE this day, confefs and give glory to God, and let thine eyes be rem, that Chrifl would overco'l1e and draw thy foufwith love , and efpoufe thee to himfelffor ever. _ CH~P. Vl. Containing Moti'-ves and Arguments to perfll7ade ·usuntothe LO'Veof [hri.ft,' andtpbe € fpoufed to him. IS there no communi<J!1 to be had with the Lord Jefus, u-nleffe Virgins ? un- Ufo 3 , leffe efpoufed ~o him.? Oh therefore here i~ a march for you, chuf~ him, get your affe_chons , 1f entangl~d, to come off. 1f enfnare~ to any othcrt thing, and fer yourhcarcs, beflow your love upon h1m. For 'ns not a dead Faith, (but fuch a fairh as is animated by love) that cloth efpoufe you to him, Gal. 5 ~6. Fair~ which work} by love. And therefore as the love of other things ( not worch l_ooking after) h~th got rbe fo~eraignty and royalty ~f thy hear~, fo this is a conJugal love,wnen lt bears rule m the heart ; let Chnfl have thts love. -And a,s you have loved creatures for themfelves, now love the Lord Jefus for himfelf. And as they have eafily enticed you to fer_ your hearts upon them, now be perfwaded to fer your dearefl atfecrions on h1m. Its faid of John Baptifl, he was the 73ride-groom's Friend, to fp'eak for him, John 3 .z9. And truly 'ti! the main work of rhe Miniltry , to wooe for Chri!t ; and fo to prefent cha!l Virains to <;hrifl. This lhall be my work now, which may be feafunable in this dcfcaying ume. Therefore I lhall chiefly bend my fpeech to three forts. r. To them that never yet loved the Lord Jefus, unle!fe it be from the reeth OUtiV<trd. . ' I ., z•. Thofe thlt have been hriving for this, yet cannot to their own feeling eome to th1s. 3. Thole chat have fo, but their affecrions are dried up, and love is parched a~vay, iniqHity 11bound:s, &c. And my Motive? frtall be thefe four, x. Confider th~Glory of the perfon, whom I lhall be a fpokes-manfor this c:lay. • D 3 z. Con-