Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

ten Virgins Opened and Applied. . than fmiles, his withdrawings berrerrha~ his prefence, thefe evils be:ter than . joyes, and when once he 1oves me, he will never leave me , that come hfe, came death I am fafe. Oh talk thts ! ni: See the Lord Jefus now as he is,and in truth this were enough to make any prophane hem love ~im, much more a Sai~t efpoufed to him, but the Lard harm hid himfelffrom rhetr eyes, ihall he befo, ts hefo from yours? r Pet. I. 8.• When feeing mt with bodily eyes, but with Faith, ye love him , I John 3. 1, ~.3: We jhall fee him tU he is • VVhy fuppofe the day of doom was come, ChnH m the clouds, and all creatures before him, all A;ngels miniflri n~ ro him, in all the Glo:Y of his Father; Oh then the love of Chnfl, Oh one fnule, one word of Chnfl would b&: precious. Lord rh~t men ihould be in a Dream! See Chritl a little higher fer in his T~rone, a place m?r~ glorious, ~hough leffe feen, in_all rh~ Glory of his Father, all mtghry Angels mmtflnng ro htm, all the world put m to hts hand, doin<>whathe will,and all he will; why will you nor love him now? Is rheGofpeL aFaS'le? fayfoifirbe, rhenlovehim notifyou cm. VVhen Simeot• arid the VVife men faw him, though but in hisabafemem, they honoured him,much more ,pow iffee him in glory. It's a queltion whether the beams of rhe Sun ~re fire: Some demonflrare it rhus, Take aGlalfe and gather together the beams,ttburns. Therefore fo if you would fee fo as to be affeCted, gather together the beams of his glory and love; Thus you fee rh emeans to get fit love, and if it be lofl, Oh now get it again, lefl: the Lord !train for it, elfe you are not fit, and if it be not any love thatfuflicerh, muchleffe no love, as in many of you: but confider' 1 Cor:u;. n. He that loves not Chrift, let him be accurfed: Oh that this might be won from you, 0 little love f?'les out to Chrifl,who fees it not? Ordinances ofChrifl, men are weary of them , the truths of Chrill, defpife them, the Servants of ChriH , they quarrel with them. Now recover your Love, the Lord help you fo to do. SECT. III. :?ro do:he workcfCh;i~, to ~e daily arir, and finiihing of it; fo; lookas it Exhart. · 3 , .l was wuh the Head, us fo wtrb aU the Members that are ro remam a while i!l this life, they havefome ~~ork to do forrhe Lord; fome common, fomefpecul work , and when that Is done, now they are ready to rerum home again. Hence John 17. 4, 5· I hf4ve finijhed the work__, _and now _he £lands at the door and knocks, a~d is ready for e_nrran~e, Now gl?rifie me wzth th7 felf, and you lhall find a fauhful heart wtll netther be wilhng nor ready to go till this is done. what u this work__ 1 am to do ? . Q!:eft • I have anfwered this elfe-where at large, yer thefe two things l would fay. Anfw· r_. Tha ~ ~mans chie~ work lies ~ot in facile duties, for though Grace and C~nlls Spt m mlke.; dunes eafie, hts yoke eafie ; yet there is a contrary Spirit that Wtll make t~em hard and difficult at fir[t; , 2. Lelfl I ihcmld leave you unfatisfied altogether , we ihall find a chrifl:ian life ~s carried with a double motion : 1. In feeking of God in his Ordinances• . 2. Or 111 walking with God out of his Ordinances, rhefe are joyned together, Gen. 6.8, 9· Noah foundGrace, hence fought it, though not in the eyes of the world: and hence Noah walked with God. Hence we fee Chrifl: was fometime in theMount alon~, Sometime abroad going UJ:il and down doing good. Mofts in the Moune ~nd 111 the Camp too. Now look as before aman is ju£lified, his chief work then ~s to feek G<;>d in hi~ Ordinances f?r a _prin~iple: fo a foul n~w efpoufed to Chrifl IS to:-vatk With Chrill : ~ow, walkuig tmphes conflanrfollowmg ofanother, or a connnualw_ork; fo Chntl: ha~ work for you every moment: .{Hence in every 1 company, ume, place, temptation, enquire thus, Am I not like ·to lofe my rime, •' I my