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ten Virgins Opened and Applied. me as his Son , make '_l'e an Heir of all be bath \~irh him , re~ee:n me th.1t ha_ve defpifed his Blood: 'ns too goo:i News to be ~rue. He:1ce the Dtfctples b~l!evcd nor for joy, L11/,_f 24. 41. Hence when dchvered our of '!Jabel, we were 111 a Dream; this robs rhe Lord ofGrdce, fo~ rbegrcarer the love ts,_md rhe more y()u take, rhe more love iball the Lord have; tt c.1nnot be orherwtfe, 1f you come to fay this is mine. 6. Either they will fore only on their fins, and di!lempers, and miferie;, _and never look unto Chri!t the brazen Serpent , and fe.Hch for a ri::Jbteoufnefs of their own and cannodind ir, and hence pore Hill. As when men have \vounds,rhev onl/rhink on them, that when awakened our of Deep, they c:::-mplain in r,heir bds like rhe Ifraeliw, Exod. 6. 9· th~r would not he,1r Mofu !Jecaufe of angudh, As the impotent man anfwered Chnil:, ?John 5· ),6, 7· Writ be made whole? he turns his eyes upon hismifery, I have no!le elfe to help me at the time; here is bur rhis means, and when I come my [elf,' orhers ll:ep in before me, &c. Now 1-:> do men, and never look beyond means, rhe Lord can, the Lord will, and fo eye nor him : or on rbe other fide, if they get healing of their wounds,rben they eye Chrill: only, Eph. 2. 6. They were exalted in Heavenly places,yet r~me•nber,as verf. n, I 2, For let my Chrill:im fee rhar he is poor and miferab!e , bur he is nor tpuch affec1:ed with it , nor affiitted wirh it , and fo eye Chrifl:, and rrull: ro ChriH, and eafe himfelf here, & fay we mufl: look only ro Chrifl:,eirher you ivili he.1r of his fall (yea and himfelf !hall find adecay) or he will grow very proud, unfit ro give all to Chri!t. Is rhere Grace here? . 7. Either if rhe Lord gives him any thing, himfelf and mercy, he will now add fomething of his own to Chrifl:, and pull tbevailof rheLaw overrhe face of the gloryofChrift, Gal. I. 6. or elfe do nothing at all for him, unlefs it be when rhe Pood fit rake> him, under a· pretence Chri(t rr.u!l do all ; as here the five wife Virgins that fell afleep : and thus you fee how Grace is oppofed by the-children of Grace. Now therefore my Exhortation is , ro take heed of this, and be ever ready to amibuteall to rhe Lor cl, as they cryed when the Second Temple was building from beginning to rbe end, Zrc. 4.6,7: fo that Ehouwafl: fpared folong, that called by means that the Lord ibould by Fmh accept , that he D>ould fpeak peace, this is Grace, tharrbough vile, yet he will fave me: 'ris Grace,thlt thou<>h I can do nothing, yer he will help me, and afterwards Crown me : Oh this "is wonderful Grace/ And FirH, Donor only give rhe Lord the glory ofGrace ro redeem yqu fro~n mifery, forrhis you may do, and befull ready to give it, yer periibar hft, as rhe Jfraelires that fang Gods praifes did, bur rhar he will fave thee from greater, i.e. from !in. And · Secondly , Not only when you feel no~hing, but when you feel mofl:, Oh ro honour Grace '! And , . Thirdly, Nor ro do ir coldly, but with a heart enflamed with fenfe ofir, rhar I hve, I have, I do, I am what I am : Oh •ris Grace. So rhat nO\ V if the Lord Dull come and a>k you, what will you fayifl'le deliver you from all mifery, fubdue all fins, pafle by all wrong, .hear all Prayers, do all good to thee, do much good by thee, love thee every moment, give aKingdo:n when thy work is done ro rhee,and my felf berrer than all? fay, Lord I can never recompence this, I iball be I bore the more vile in my own eyes for ever,and give all ro Grace. Oh !in<> that Sona or get rhat?ong by hem now, for 'Rev. 7· ~o. there is aSong, Sal~ati~n to //,; Lamb , wl:nch none elfe could fing. Thts 1s our work, and a gr.:ac work indeed. . . How fhall I do thu? f2!!eft. I. Get; a new light from rhe Lord to !hew you clearly the infinite, endlefs, un- Anfw. known evdl of.rhe leafl: fin ; Paul \~as a proud Pharifee until he faw fin, and ]er. 3· 24, 2 5. for 1f fin be feen, one iimle, one day, nay a moments brearhing-~ime in K rhis