Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Objea. Anfw. The'Parable ofthe and vexing, and foiling: and as I feel many, fo I fear more for rows before I dye, and then Death an~ delufion, that at !all: I may be deceived : Nay the agonies of Hell many rimesa.ll.aultme, and then I am put to a !of.<>, ch.1r is ir polfJble I fhould efcaFe? why Beloved, the Lord Jefus conquered Death , and Sin , and Hell, and the Grave, and Satan, with all the !trengrh of darknefs and ddufion, and 1 bath fpoiled them, Col. 2. I4, I 5· And now he is in Heaven in his Kingdo:n cril u.~phmg o~er the!ll, t~.1t they cannot hurt him. I bur wh;lt is :hat to me ? Why \ ems veryVtctorps thtne: hence we arefaid robe de1d wnh htm, Rom.6.8. and rifen with him, Col. 3. I. Nay ro fir in Heaven'J 'lam as it were triumphing in I him, in glory with him, E. ph. 2. 6. Nay Heb. Io. I4. He bath by one ojferimr perfetled IU people for ever tht~t are fanilified: ''ris true, you may rejo'jce in rhfr you I fhall conquer, bur Oh remember rhis, 'ris done already in rhy Head , and in rhy Husband. 4· Immutability and certainty of ll:anding in a happy dlare, for rhi> is chat I which fads the heart, I fhall fall at !all:. How is it potlible bur I i11ould be fo? no Beloved, look upon the Lord Jefus, in him thou art, ifhecanf1ll, if he cm dye, I if he cm be cart from the Fathers face, then thou maill: ; believe that 1 live, yoH (hall livealfo, John I4. I9. Adam indeed was chofen robe head of Mankind', and as when' he Hood perfetl: we!l.ood, fo (though murably) he falling we fall : fo we are chofen in Chrifi, and as he Hands unchmgeably, fo we (rand, and l as he was tempted every way, yet did nor, could not fall , no mare canft thou: fo that Oh that the Lord would give you hearts eo learn this le!Ton, when there is norh; ng but want in thee ; Do nor iliifc fo much for a little from the Lord , but fee Gods end and reach it. Oh rejoyce, glory in, ~nd blefs the Lord. This was Pt~ul's life, and the life ofrhe Churches firll plamed. Oh blefs the Lord for all fpirirual bleiiings in Chrift; this will be joy in forrow, life in death, this is golden Faith, this will anfwer all fears; when Saran faith thou hall not this or char, nor canll nOL do rhis nor char, ~nd ro Hell therefore thou mull: go: Reply again, 'cis true, I have little, I am dead, bur Chrilllives for ever; I am under miferies, ChriH is triumphing in Heaven for ever : I may fall in my felf,I never can fall in him ; that which he liath is mine. 'Tu true they may da thu that k.t;ow the Lord 'fefus i& theirs, but alafs I k!Jow not that. If you do nor you muft wait rhen unri11 rhe Lord m1ke himfelf known unto you : but tell me, wiil you do this, if you did thus know it? Ic may be fome of you have nor done fo, unlefs by force fometimes , and you will find it one of the roughell works of Faith that is: What is a poor nun b~rer for anothers wealth? and a llck man for anorhers health, and anaked man when orhers are cloathed? Yet Beloved, by verrue of the power of Faith , and our union to the Lord Jefus, a man is the better. A Woman rhatis marchc to aPrince may have never a penny in her purfe, and yet ilie rejoycech in that her Husband bath it. It's the fecrec mrure of Fairh to make a man all one with ChriR, in Cbrift, in rhat mannei that I cannot find fuch an union in the world; and hence his health, his cloarhs, his Grace, his life may be matter of as much joy as ~fa man lud_ all r~is i_n himfelf. And becaufe many a foul ha rh €brill, b~o~t feehng ~uch empnnefs 111 h1mf:lf, as chat fie cannot think fo 2nd it may be would dofo1f hefaw wherher he tmght do fo or no: I iliall rheref~re exprefs my rhaaghts ro them thus in rhefe particulars. I. That all rh1t fulnefs that is in rhe Lord Jefus, 'tis not ~or ~1imfelf, bun for rhem chat wane ic, John I7. I 9· he might have been blelfed 111 his F~thers bofom wicluoutchee; why iliouldhe therefore live, and do, and fuffer, and o[e, ~d glo. l r rifie his ble!Ted Nature, but for them char wanted t.his. He is filled With wtfdOm, life, firength, bec;mfe men are blind, dead, we~k. · J z. But I