Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

\ I l l , I 86 T'he'Parable ofthe not! Nay worfe than Dive,-, rhar begg' d, Oh a drop of waterto cool mJlongu•! V.:hy cry not you, Oh the Lord ChnH to comfort my hem.' Why is no r .111 tbts fulnelfe longed for? Oh rheref'lre !er nmhina clfe co:nfo:r and lee nxhi•1o difcourage, bur make this ufe of all, Oh I bi'n! ' ' " I z. To the right doling wirh. his perfon, this is alfo required, to ult the birrernelfe of!in, as the greardt evil: Elfe a m.m will never clofc wich Chritt fo' his holi!'lelfe in him, and fro:n him as rhe gre1~efl: gooJ. For we told )''lLt' du~ that's the ~1ghr clo!i.n~ with Chrill: for himfelf, when iris for ~is holinetle. For I ask awhonfh hem Whl.t beaury be fee' m rhe perfon of Chnlt, he willafccr he I ~arh looked over his Kingdom, ~is Righreoufnelfe, .all his works, fee a be1uty ·I, ?ecauferhey~o ferve ht>rurnro.coJlfortbtmonly. ~ska Vi rgin, he . Will fee hts happ111elfe m all ; but that wbtcb make' the Lord am1able, i · his Ho- I Jinelfe, which is in him, to make him holy too; as in marriage, it is perfotul I beauty draws rhe hem. And hence I have thought it re1fon that he rh.1t love; Brethren for alittle Grace, will love Chrift much more. Hence if aman feels not the wam ofCllriH, the bim:rnefle of !in, as his greHefl evi I, he will never fee nor admire Chrilts beluty, much Ielfe clofe wirh ir. Hence John r6.9. Convinceth the world of fn, bec11u[e they believe ~Jot i'nme, i.e. of rbat chiefly. Oh I thefe wrongs done againlt rbe Lord ! Why nor of wrath and Hell ? Oh , .lin is r~e evil, andrben ir .appears exceeding evil, when nor ~gain!tGod !imply, buragam!l a Son. Paul whJ perfecmeft thou me? Ac1s 9· vVhy? Did he nor Jive in lulls and [elf-confidence ? Ye;, but in all there be raw he per[ccured Chrill:. And after faddell: reJrcl! , I h.tye fed red the Wll1t of this, is the great caufe of all amans clo!lng armlfc IYHh Cbnll:. I would bur ask where was T udat wound?Was it reHing in aPh.uiC•ical rigbreourners wirhour Chri!l?Wirh0ur Chri.!t, r no, for he forfookall and followed Chn!t. Was lt want of profellion of hi•n, preaching for him ? No. Was it for want of communion wirh him? No : one l !in he lived in, he bad his bagg. And hence when many went fro~n hi:n , he !tuck to him, John 6. Judas Hill clea\·es to him: yereven then Chriltcalls h1m I aDevil, which if ever he had taHed rhe•birrernetle of,hewould nor have lived in,/ nor dyed defpararely, fome think impardonably without Chrilt, andfolin more I againfl him. Let a11y man living fhew me how he catl clofe with Chri{!, and yet love one lin : I'!e be his bond-man , that cm fay , I clore with Chri(t as my Husband , and yet I love my Whore too. Let any man living clore with ChriH, and keep his !in , or hide his fm, or Ier it be hid , his doling with Chrilt fhall harden him in his !in, andfo hefhall dye without Chrilt in his 1' !ins , as it is writ, Ex•d. 2 r. 14. As it was wirh Jonb, who fled' ro the Horns of rhr;: Altar, fo 'tis with many rr.en, rhey lin, and confers and lin under all Laws : 1 why? rhey fly !O ChriH, and this i•nboldens rhe:n, hardens them, why? becaufe I they never ralted rhe birrerners of !in. I know a mans !in m.1y be crucified before i 'ris mortified, as ir may \;e buried after 'tis Ob therefore I befeech you , look to this , yo~ f.lilnot here. Many of you .are troub1ed , Oh o~e heed of ~ bei1~ comforted umil you get the Lord ro do rh1s for you, or unleffe you deren d I upon the Lord for this in his rime. Some app! ycomfort when they fee no good: I dare not to my fe,lf or others: Oh therefore. imagine rho~ did!l: hear the Lord fpe1king, vVhy doH thou perrecure me.? why 1S a man fo gr.1eved ~rany th111g rh"t I crolferh himfelf? becaufc a ma~ loves .hunfelf~ becaufe he rhmk; hts good he; rhe:e I molt: Oh fee thy good more,tn C?nll than m thy fetf, Acts9. 4·. Oh me, me m i who:n all good is,oh ro perfecute h1m! Two men, and one!S !l1 horror, and \ the other nor ; oh 'ris becaure God fees it on : fo here. 3· Makerbe Lord Jefus prefent with you, and fe: him r: .1 lly before y~u,and~ee hi:n willin~ ro giv~ himfelfunroyou, even to thee 111 pamcular. Thole rbarg1ve 1 rhe:nfelves 1n Mamage, feparate rhemfelves fro-n all company , and get alone ro- i gerher, and give rhemfelves one unto another : fo fever thy felf from all rhe \ \ world, 1