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44 tqf SPIRITUAL UNIOPT: %nd partly wrought by the underflanding and hence the good that you get by it at any time, it is from your union, or part of it at leali.. QUESTION II. Offpiritual Union. Again you afk me, whether Calvin cloth not expreis fully my thoughts about our Spiritual Union in his 1ió. 4. cap. 17. ihiftv. I anfwer, I have forgot what he has writ, and my Pelf have read long fince out of Iim. ; and for the prefent I have no b, oks about me where I am ; and therefore cannot fatisfie you in this : neither know I when I (hall leek to find out the book and place If I have leifure, I will either write' to you, or tell tome of your friends before I am gone, what he hath laid or writ that way, &c. QUESTION III. Of the Cur °e of .ytheiflical Thoughts. Again thirdly, You defire me to tell you how my felf came to the Cure of /itheifiical Thoughts ? and whether they did wear out, or whether they were rationally overthrown ? &c. 1lnfw. I anfwer, Y. At fluff they did wear out, meeting with fruitlefs and dead- hearted company, which was at the Univerfity, 2. The