Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. 1.41 Mans pe ny men defperately conclude, They will have:dition of their fwing in fin, and if they perifh, they hirnrcif.. hope they fhall be able i tdbear it, it is bat damning they think, and hence they go on fecurely. Oh poor wretches 1 the Devil fcares and fears all the world, and at Gods Wrath the Devils quake, & yet fecure men fear it not, they thinkhell is not fo terrible a place. Fourthly., becaufe they know no better Rea(. an eftate. Hence though they feel their !why, woful and miferable condiiion, yet they de- min them= fire not to come out of it. Although men feives.. find hard lodging in the world, hard times,- hard friends, hard hearts, yet they tnake a fhift with what they find in this miferable trine, until they come to Héll: for fuch a man purfued by outward miferies, or inward troubles, there flayes ; O miferable man 'that makes fhife till he come to Hell I Theymay hear of the happy elate of Gods people, but not knowing of it experimentally, they 'lay where they are, yob 4. 14. Take a Princes child, and bring it up in a bafe houfe and place, it never afpires after a Kindorne or Crown : fo men hatch in this world, knowing no better an eftate, never caft about them to get a better inheritance then that they fcramble for here. Wives mourn for the long abfence of their beloved husbands, becaufe they know then and their worth. God may abfent himfelffrommen, weeks, months, years, but men flied not one tear for it, becaufe they never tailed the fweetnefs of hisprefence. It is ftrange to fee L 2 man