Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The SincereConvert. he writ Si to non vii , if thouwilt not under Mans per= .f dicíon is of the other he writ , Ipfe rogit4t, here's one ',unfelt.' will. Ninthly,becaufe men bring not their hearts under the hammer of Gods Word to be brok- Ruffin 9. en, they never bring their confciences to be Why men cut. Hence they go on Rill fecurely with fell-! el'ves. hcm- red confciences. Men put themfelves above the Word, and their hearts above the Ham - mer,' they come not to have the Minifter to humble them, but to judge of him, or to pick fome pretty fine thingout of the Word, and fo remain fecure Pots all their days : for if ever thy heart be broken, and thy confcience be a- waked, theWord mull do it : but eo s leare fo Se rmon- trodden that their hearts like 00 - paths, grow ha"rd by the Word. Tenthly, becaufe men confider not of Gods Rear so. wrath daily, nor the horrible nature of fin, Why men men chew not thefe pills i hence they never fslvethem. come to be affected nor awakened. Awaken therefore all you fecure creatures ., feel your mifery, that fo you may get out of it. Doll thou know thineeflate is naught,and that thy condemnation will be fearfull, if ever thou doff perith ; and is thine heart fecretly fecure, fo damnably dead,fo defparately hard, that thou hail no heart to come out of it ? What ? no figh , no tears ? canft thou carry all thy fins upon thy back like Siarnpfon thegatesofthe City, and make a light matter of them ? Doll thou fee Hell firebefore thee, . and yet wilt venture ? iart thou worfe than a beaft which we cannot beat nor drive in- T- 4 to