Shepard - Houston-Packer Collection BV4914 .S5 1659

The Sincere Convert. 29 the curfes of fo many thoufands againil him. ma" mi- 1 Adamwas thehead of mankind, and all man- f fearliT. by bis kind naturally are members ofthat head : and if the head invent and plot treafon, and the Aim tic ;head pradife treafon againft the Kingor State, ,bead of the whole body is found guilty, and thewhole mankind. body muff needs fuffer. Adamwas the poy- foned root and ciflern of all mankind ; 'now the branches and ftreams being in the root and fpring originally, they therefore are tainted with the fame poyfoned principles. If thefe things fatisfie not,- God bath a day coming wherein he will reveal his own righteous proceedings before Men and Angels, .1?"". 4. Oh that men would confider this fin, and The or- that the confederation ofit could humble Peo- riblenature pies hearts l If any mourn for tin, it is for the ,°f. the fitil molt part for other foul actual fins ,few for this fin that firft nude the breach and began the controverfie betwixt God and Man. Next un- to the fin againft the holy Gbolt, andcontempt of the Glel,this, is the greateft fin that cryeth londeft in 'Gods ears for vengeance, day and night,againft a world ofmen. For nowmens fins are againft God in their bale and low hates ; but this fin was committed againft 7e- hovah, when man was at the top ofhis prefer- ment. Rebellionofa Traitor on a dunghil, is not fo great as ofa favorite inCourt. Little fins againft light,are made horrible no fin by any mancommitted, was ever againft fomuch light as Adam had. This fin was the firft that ever difpleafed God. Drunkcnnefs deprives God