Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

' • ,J \. ment of ftrong C hrifHaris thJt they. are . go~d, , If yo~ have J udgetf, mee . fa#bftJlt,doe m:e this -~our. teft~l _,_And; ,would · in ·ncit comfort her foule to have the-judgement offo ll:rong a:mah as Pltttl.~ -- · . ; : ' It ~s . a·. gre(ft fi.fength~ hing ·not ,onely :. td . have the fpirit of Cod wit. nelfe fo1· us; but the fpi;·it of God' in others. An~ fotne't~rnes in tern pt,ations,, the judgment of o . . ' thers · ':vill doe us . n1ou good then our owne, . in a dat~ke fl:ate : l .. here~ fore .wee £hauld appeale to thofe tha~t feare God to j udgf. us faithfuU ;.though we be in_a xnifi, and in darkenelfc --