Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

· ~J. .. ..

. . . . Uo 'MJ. r<~:'u. Is fitt!t£\~~~fal~fil.ii ·~ . -- ., ' ' .. ' .~ ~-~ ~ . .. 1 H-E t «tlt :f: 'R. .J CH E S!: ·~! .- -. - I~, i!~ • • .. . . :. . . o F . . esQ! !.. 11. ·MERCIE-. 'I! ~··~ ·. Ih two Treati!es; · · ~- ·~· ., . I·~~ : 1 Lyd~; s(rm)lerfidn. , ~: "'~ 1 .1.A 'l?!;cue from death:/ \. 7~ ~~· · ' . ~~ ... ~. ; By, the. late lcar1_1ed) and reverend : ~~' :t~ . Dnrint; RI~ H A_R · ~ ~ 1 BB s, o~}lt ~~f) _ Dochn m D1v1mue. . :=; *~ Poblilhed by the "~uthors own ~~ . .;~~ appointment; and fubfcnbe,d \ El) ~~ Wlt~l his ownehand to prcve.t:lt,- ~ ~ ·imperfect. Copies. .e2e · . ~~ ~ ijl~ ' ' . l ~· G~ the Lord ~illeth, tind »Ht~eth aliv-e; ~~ 0~ .- h~e brmgetb downe t" the qrCLv.e~ -lit!.\ .A!~ . . tJnd -bru7geth up. ~~ ~~ . LONDON --~ ;!\~ ~~ 4ii~ P!inted by I. D. for _Francis · ~~ w~ Eglesjeild, and are to lt>e fold by. el• , · ~W· hi~ a 1 r ~~e figne 1 ~he ~~a- · ~· ~~ r•go t~ln Pq.u s '-..nurCl<.t• (/~ y:~rd. 1 6 3 8.

. ~=*~~ie~riie~:~ L _T 'D 1 A S · . . -. - Converfion~ ; /, :A-c ·~ '. 16. 14. (.//!la a ·ctft4i»'e W011J411 H4• . .me4 Lydia,~ izJeljer. of , Purple, 6/ the ~~tit if · Thyatira, thttt ·w,rjhip_• . pea Gl·d, whoft heart the .· Lordlpt»e.d, that jhti!J llttendet( ~o" the ~ things . , that were ffJ'ken. of Paul. A11d whe11, &•. . 'r " 11 . . H B holy Apo· ' ' l file Sai~nt P aut a : veffellofmtrcie, · . . having found - mercie himfelte of. G~J, B . wa-s-

,. s - _ G1tllttkes ~oticeojhis • .was a fit inftrumen t to preach mercy to others. : Hereupon hewas appoin- . ted to be a pre:tther to the Gentiles. Among the rell ofthe Gentiles, he was ca1led to prea~h to them of M4ceaonitt, and _it was by a vifion, as we fee in the · _ form~r part of the Chap· _ ve~f.gv -- ter. A man of Macetlo~ia, -~ -- , appeared to Paul by ntght and fayd Come to MttccdtJnia) ttnd helpe us. Indeed the ftate of the people of , Maced1tli~t called for help, as n·ow the fiate of many people ~oth ~thought here . be not fuch a vifion as a man of M ace~onia,yet their wretched eRate(being ~un­ ·der the ~ingdome of Sa-- t4n )

~tAn)cries Come ttlld'helf us, tho~gh _they doe·not crie . with their ntouthes, yet their efiate- cries·. The 'A- · pofi:~e upon this . vifio~, takes his journ~y to come toward!J4cedonia, ·and he ftayed there a good whi.le; /.lee - abo~e_c~rtA~Af4ye~. Though God called him to Macedonia : yet. God did , n_ot giue him gr-tat incou- ,_ragement for the prefcnt. : I T,his is the manner ofGods carriage; not tf> difcouer at the -prefen.t what he wil doe, b~t leads people on by gentle incouragements: and ·to humble them the more with little fruit at the firft, hee abode there :I certlllne dayes)withoutany · ~ \ -B 2 great 3 .

4 ~) g~eat fruit. · Al_terwar~s he goes out ~o P/;ilippi (the , .cheife City in MAcedonj4, and on the Sabbath day, the people were g~theredtogethef ~a · company of women were reforted to- . gether, and there be prea. ched ro them : As indeed. ho1y commttnion is never without' a blc:fting; they met together on a good day, theSabbath, and for agood end they were ,rtTiet together; Now I! dNI to<:>ke the advanrageof theirmee; ting together on the Sabbath day, he call: his net, \ and hecatcheth one ~with her family) (lamely LJdiA. The·Gofpell was a fweete favour of falva.tion to,her; Here-

Hereupoll there is a dif- I .courfe of Lydi4, a iliort ll:ory of ,Lydi4~ a fiory ·. ' wo~thy to bee thought of; , which is in the words ·of · my text. -(._,./ cert~ttne w~IIJaiJ 1111"" me~ Lydi~, &c. ,· . ! ' ' ' • J ~~~Htt..J is 'defcribed ~i Fir11: by her per- PllrtSof i$ fon, and. fex, a the text. certaine WlmAn. By her . nam·e .Lydi~t.By her callirJg a-feller fJj purple." By her citie Thiatirtt. By her pious difpofition,foee·wor fbipped God.And then her conver.. B ·3 . lion ' /

f ...._ \,. •• God takes 11~ticesfhi1. fton-is fet downe,' by the caufe ofit. GoJ opened her htart. And what foflowed upon that' opening ~fher heart, jhte t~-ltendtd to the thiNgs that- were fp(jkt» hy 1 Paul,,and likewift foee ~as· !JaptifeJ -w_jth 4/l her !Joufl- :hold.- , ·And tficn the fweet fruit ! that this conver1ion ofher with all her houfebold had . -prefently fhee fhewe.d the Ioue (that fhee felt ·from GoiJ in cen~erting her) to~ ·the blelfed Apottle and his · company, fhee befought tkem · faying, If y ee haue · judged mee faithfo/1 to the: Lerti, Come to my houfe,_ ·&c. which words I fhall vnfold as I ceme to them. ' 4»d

Got/ 14¥(; niJtice ()(his. / 7 .And a certaine wem4n nttmed Lydia, 1t feller of pnrp.le,drc. . ~~~ I R ; ·er here is a _:_ . defcri!nion of -' · \\:! , her perfon, and fexe, and name, . and calling, and city, and · difpofit~on. · . _ , God takes notice of all · Go~ ~ake~ . . f _. _ parwml ar the .particulars 0 thofe nqtice of ' that are his, he delights his .. to fpeake of them, thofe .. that hane · their .n.tnies. "" written in the · booke of life, h~e knowes· their names, and callings, and . '· B 4 ) per-:

8 GQJtakts 111t~&l ofhis. _ , ( perfons, they are as Ie~­ els ln . his eye, tqey are . written-on the pAlmeJ {)f/Jis 6ands ~ bee takes more fpeciall notice of them then ofthetefi: ofthe world : Therefore rtme A poftle ~s . very punatiall in the ,de· . fcription o( all parti~ulars. . , . For her-perfon I will be very {hort, l \Vill giue but a note or two, an-d fo come to that I mainly ay me at, her eo nverfi&ne. - · \ ) .·

G1.dt~kes notice of his. 9 .A certaine womaN n11m~tl . Lydit~. ·o R her fex, 1hee, and the refi were women that were gathe.. red together, as wee fee _, in the former verfe. ·. li1 ~hrift Iefos there is nei-._- ther ·male nor feme:lc. Sin came in by a wom~n,and · ·the meanes of falvation· was by a ·w0man too, . here were a company of w·omen· gathered· ~ogeio.· ther. · · t . • ' l. I ' For tbe moft part 'vo• Wo~ens' men haue fweet affettions: ,' affeSt~o~s . 1. . d l · .. I to relrcrtoa , to r~ 1~10n, an -: t 1ere1n · firoq~~ £ . ' . · B 5 . they . . . . /

10 .they oft goe beyond . men. EJa[.t .' The reafon · is, Religi~ <?D. is-efpecially feate d in _ the affections :· and tkey · haue fweet and firopg af . , ,feetions. . 2 Likewife they are fuh-- .- ··. ie~ __ _to, weakenetre, ·and ' . . God' delights to fhew his. · ; rength in weakn~f!e. _ ' · _And thirdly, efpeeially . Child beariAg-women,. , bring others into this life · ·with danger of~heir· o·wn, ·: ) therefa re they are ·forced 't9 ·a nearer c0mm.union - · . with~~d)becaufe fo -miay chiidten as they bring -\'forth_, _. th~y are in perill . . ef thetr 'hues. ,Therefore~ . _the A poftl~ her~ meDtions . ,.. - - - . a ' ~

[malt /Jeginnings. -a ,company of women that were gathered toge.. rher, and atnong the refi, · a· C ertaine woman n11med Lydia. · What! a \voman to bee the - foundation· ·of the · ·'_ Church of Ma'ceat;nia~ a 0reat · / · poore woman , and then a. thi~~s in - ' ·reil ?wn Gaoler afterward, a rug- fr<?~ fmall : ged rough. Gaoler :- for b«ginnings . ' thefe to be. the foundati- - oa of fo famous a Cbu_rch. as Philippi and other .· c ·hurches in-M acediinia ! Oh ! y~ .; -the -,I(wgdome -- of htauen is·As " graine ofr mttjlard feed [mall in the _/ heginnicg. It is·fo , iD re- . gard .of the .Church . _it .felfe; and in regard of the· -grace, that euery particu·- - lar ('

t • . ' . ~rfJtthings {r1.m -_ . · · lar member h.arh, it is Hr- . tle and.' weake beginnings ,' Chriftians are not as the Angels were, perfect at the firft : The Church _growes by little, a-nd; lit. : tle. Therefore we fuouf(;f not be difcauraged·when the plantation ofthe Gof- · pell hatb po~re fucceffe · ,, _·at the beginning: · We fee , in the Church of M acedfJ .. _ »iA:,therew_~s little fuc~elfe . at the firft: A: woman ancr · a rough -Gaoler, ,a Gao- · · - ler that both by· calling:, ·and difp9firion, and cuJf:ome w~s am-an, hard and hardne~ too: yet thefetwo 'were the foundation of a · great. Church. , - , _ Was~ it. not f!> among_, our

• I [mA_IIbeginnings. . i: 3: ~ our fclues ~ "fhle Chun:h . - of latter times, in tfue time ; ·of reformation, how be.. gan it? .By a child_, and) ai · .;wQman;King ~dwArtl the: : ·lixr, and ~eenc E lizab·eth. ._offamous:memqry. Ther-. :fere as the PrQphet fayth,, . WiJo t~rt. thou that defpifeJ the d4'y of little thi»gs ? defpife net little things. : There isnothing leifethen · . grace at the firfl: : Bu~ as .) Chrifl the of J.e.lfo:J refe from the dead and ' I' tofe up to he~ven, and 0· ~ .' verfpreaas the world now · . · . fo ·euery . Chrift~an. rifeth ,. ofmeane begin~ings :and , fo doth the- Church it ~ felfe. \.A cert~tine womalfi · · -»Amed Lydia,fhee was the : \ · , founda .. ·

'I_4 CAllingJ AllfJwe-d byGod.- foundation of a famous ,CaUings allowed hy :God. Church.. - · Thenfhe'eis fet dowhe . I . ·• by her calling. · · A 'SelltrofP-urple. o J> , allowes cal- !ings. - · 1 he calling of Chriffianity is lhe·lved in particular· cal· Iings,whichare C1nd-ifiecl by Goato fubdue the ex-... celfe of corruptions.)\1en , without callings are ex- . • ~eeding, vicious_, a.s fome 'Gentlemen, and, beggars, In this r may ranke them . , · together

. Citllings al~owe~ by Gf~· ·I$ · 'together :thof2 that liaue . - ,no caltings, nor fit them- · Jelues f0r. a calling, and ~) :: .th,lt are o_ut ·of a cal1ing _ ·Iawfull. , callings arelawfui.And Commerce ' · ;fGl this calling of corn.. lawfull. merce, apd trade,A feller -,j pu.rp!c·: Thot£Jgh for the :moft pa~t - men gather. a.. ~ gre~t deale of foite) and -: €~rr~ption, by c.~mmixture of manners '\~f.ith _ :.thofe they deale with :yet .. thet~e muft be -commerce, . . · , , and this particular corn• . _ merce of felling of Pur- ~ pk. - . _ The body of man needs ,many caUings,there i)s.not ;a part ·of ma.ns body, not · ·. . ene niember, ·but it fets i particular

16 CAlling~ A/l.owed !Jy Gt~tl. 'particula'r calling on wor~ Therefore this life is a . - life·of many mece,fii.tie~ '? a.nd, there mutt b~ c~llings . ~ and trading,a_nd this particu:l~rtrading,(e/li»gtJfpur. pie. It . may feeme fuper• £luous, but it is not .alto. · .gether: f<>r G~rments for 3· ends~·. . · • I Vfeofgar.. .. mcnts. -~ N eceffity·~ . For Ornament. --.- , - · Difiind:io.n•. I ·Now·.put\>le, howeuer it b·~nQt for. neceffity;. it is fdl! ·, ornamenr, and dl- :, frinltion; for ~ Magiftrats, · and the 1ike, perfons of great qMality. How-ever ~ .the pride oft he times h;~th bred .

- bred a confuli~n, that'o_ne will goeas well as another ·yet GIJ that allowes . di~ ftineHon ofcallings, and perfons, allowes difl:indi- . . , on of habit, ,and attire Th~refore _ felling ofpur- The fd .. _pie is lawfull aafif the we a- ling ~nd - rin-g of rich at·tt··re. Killfl'S wearing . ·_· ~ rich attire , d4ughters went in fi1ch, as law full~ - itisfaydofDavJdsclaugh· ~ -- . ·ters. ~ ' . So there bee not over · -~· - much defi~acie ... for d'cli- o!J · a ' ·cacie i.n this,in thefe times . ve_ ' is.fatall as there be many in the City, .atld .. in the. coun_tries thatare giveq to over-much nicitie, \and fumptuoufnes in this kind' l it is afore-runne-r of ruine. ' __ / _ Otherwife· it is lawfull · (for (.

z 8 · . Works ofprept~ration (forthofe that may, ' )- to weare porple_ as it is law·.. full to feU ·Purple; fo -that (as he fayd_ to the great Emperour) they doe not confider the purple fo much, as that the purple c~uers dt1ll, and bafe flelh that n1ufl: ttune to dull and -~· allies, and rottenn~lfe ~re long, fo that people bee not lift up in that, that is borrewed from thf paore creature, from wormes. It is a a·range thing that men thould be fo licke in their fancie, as to thinke them.. felues the better for that they beg·of the poorcrea· ture: fo a man take heed of fancie and pride, it is law- . full to ufe purple,shee w4s 4

neceffiry. 19 · a foll~r 1[Purple~ Se rnMch '- for her calling. ~~~*~~~~ . '~- ·~~~~='!/~~~ ~ii~$~~~~ SheewDrjhippedGod. , hapsa Jew, and - Hn ·~ was per- - lookedfor aM if· jias. Therewere _3. forts of-peopl~ _before Chrift. The I ewes and ~·Sorts Qr , · h r h ll fc people .be.. t OJ.e t at we ea · pro e .. fore Chriil: , : lites~ and Religious per. . fons fearing God. Shee mrght benne of the three it is not certaine \vhat fhee · . was•. Certai.nely lhee was Qnetha·t feared God. She ~ad fome religioa in her, - ?though· · • I

20 · / ,JYorkts o{prep~tr4tion though ye~ fhee was not ripened in the true Religi• on,fhee was a woman that , feared God.' - _ _ From fuch kind of pia. CC$ as this, we haue .occalion to. fpeake ofwor'kes of prepar~tion. Saint P4ul was fent to her, lhee :wa,s / a wom,an that feared God. ,_ To fpeak alittle of wor~s of preparati~n. _ Workts of It is true, God uf"ally pceparati.. p·repares .· thofe that 1)-ee,- on rieceffa meanes to convert: as we l"f tO COll• . verlion; . plow be~ore w·e fow' wee _do~ riot) fow among_ the · thornes, and-we dig deep , to lay a foundation, wee purge be fore-Cordialls. It is ufuall 'in -nature, aRd in grace prepa~~tions:ther- . ·rGre_

for~ - pr.cparations are, ne- ·ceffary. 'There is fuch a dift:ance betweene the na.. ture, and corruption ,of · ~aa,and grace,, that there, muft be_a great deale of preparatiop, . many de: grees to rife by before a man come to . that ·condition bee, ihould bee in, -- · therefore preparationswe allo\v, and the neceffity of - them!_ . But we allow this, that Preparati-' ons are from Ged. all preparatieas are from God,, wee cannot prepare our fe1tles, or deferue fu. ture things by ,our prepa- _'-- rations; for the preparati- . onsthemfeluesareof God. 1 ·And thirdly, though we grant preparations yet we grant _, \

. .. 21 Works of trept~.rAtion grant no force ofa me:rito~ rious caufe in , preparations to prod-ucefuch an effect as converfi0nis:-No; ·o-nly preparation is to rePre·p~rati· mooue the hindrances, and ons re- to fit the foule for con~er .. mooue hin fM>n that there may not be drances. fo great a diftartce bee- · tweene th~ fonle,and con- , · verfron,as without prepa: rationthere would be; \ ' But when is preparation fufficient 't [ When the foule is. fo farre call: downe~as it fets , a high price· on · Chrill-, , and .on grace aboue all things in the \V orId; -it ac- · cottnts grace. the onely ·___ ~"-- _ pearleJ _

Htcejfary. pe~rle, and the Gofpel to be the Kingdome of hea. ven : when a man fets _a ~igh price on grace more then all the world befides then ~ man is fufficiently prepared, --' , · Some poore foule~ think they are netier prepJred c- .nough: but let them looke to the end that God ~ill f!aue preparation for, that is, that a high price be fet upon the bell: things, and value all things but grace rnea ~I y . ia their owne ranke, when a' man is ·brought to that pitch that by the light of the fpirit, hee eft:eemes all nothing but Chrifl~ -and that hee mull: be had, and he muft haue i I JL . w.. . 4~ ti) I

. _\ hauc fauing grace let' him neuer talke whether bee bee prepare.d or no. This ~i(pofirionilicwes thathe is prepared enough, at Ieaft to bring him to con~ verLion. · Now, G1d in prepa- "" Progreiie • ofprepara- . rarton fOr the moft part t io11. Civilizeth people, . and -:. . . ' ·,.. ' .. . then C hrill:i~nizeta them _as J may fay : fer the fpirit of.G o n will not beeffeduall in a rudew~ld, ·and barbarous foule, in men that are nat men ; Thercfore'they muft: bee. brought to Civilitie, and not ~nly to "civilitie, but. there mull: he a worke 1o£ the law, to caft , 'them · downe, and theta.they ·are

brought to C~riil:ianitie thereup0n. ·. , Therefore they take a: good courfe- that labour to breake them from their · --. natnrall: ·rtidenelfe, ·ant!}/ feircencffe :as by naturee~: · very man is like a wild4Jt·• Colt ,therecannet 'be Ol·ore ' ' , ligaifi~ant word~ ~ :CIIi; - 411 afft Colt ,t~t~d-wllr!_; Now . therisnofowiog in the.·fand.:· . . oronthewater ::there-is no.. · forcin-g of grace on a foule fo f:Lrre indifpo fed that is : ,-- ·not brought to Civilitie; ru_de,and barharQus foules · ·· therefore · cods manrier· is / >' to bring them in the cQill- _ . I paffeof Civilitie, and then ' feeing what .their efl:ate is ·. . ' · inthecorruptioh·of nature· , - C to

I ' ' to deje& them and then tQ z bring them to Chriftianityas wefee herein Ly'Ji.4. For howeuer thereis no · force of a. meritorious 'caufe in preparations to .·grace, to raife up the foule · to grace:for alasthat ·cannotbe !!it is not _in ir, to - producefuch a bleffed ef- -. fetl: :yet notwithftanding it brings a maa to a lelfe diftance then other wild creature~ that come not · within the compatfe of the means .. Therefore vfually to.rhofethat ufe the ta1ents of their vnrlerftanding and - vvJII,tha~ the~haue well, GoJ after difcovers himfelfe more,and -more. : . ~ Therfore letallbeincouraged

ag_ed_togr6wmore., and ·9re ·· . ~f~iv4li.ty,~ [t·nfl:t\_e~~!l1Dn;c~:n· ·a~~i:t;·t~ ttme, . i),J ··J;bine· \ . \, n them,~in mercy i ·For · ough thofe cour[es ~an _ ue.r;roduce re~igion,y~t · I r1~gs men %ro;·a . p~oxt- · , ., and nea.r<!netre· to andChrilt, more then' that aand~fhrcherotf: r: ~~ ~tWili r not fd.rce ~rhis .... "'....... further at this tim~ : · hee wt~s"' Wl111411 th4t fo~-· !. ) itJtl' · worthifptd· Gla... he~ wa5-faithfui-I in: tbat i , ght;ffiee -hacf, Antit1 IJJ111 · hA~ halll jb41 he give11. , · I . r

ProgrefR 1fjprepArAti111. \ ') . :t'i , ' · ,>}",>:SheeworJl!itftti-GoJ. · . . ·/ . . ofher,o,wne, · . ~~~ ~ . -OTirtany haef the grace . 'G1tl from. the fpirit ofGoa• .. ;All , . comes -from the.. ~ fpirit .(;,J, · .inithill ,fea·re, an .ripea.ed feare, au·,,feare, · ~fro.m God, but lw.ill .. conAitl ~with~ adverfi . ~t- this\ time,~- you .fe~ ~the · perfon, a,wdmart, he teal· ling; :A fellerofpurple,.and her pious , difpoft~iOf!·, \va~ fuch a one asworili pedG4ti;Ant1 ftlti;eArtl P

Prog~ejfo tJf prepllr4tio». :& g. ! ' \ ·The·rweete1 provide1_1ce df God,' brings thofe t-hat ' belong to EleCtion, vnder the compaife of the mean~ at one time or other. Let vod the divell, ana the infiru... brings his~ . f h n· fl ~- ele&-ttn- ments 0 t · e -lVel ,, rage dermeans-, and-oppofe, ~anddoe ·what they ·can ;· thofe that be- - long to G1tl, Gld\vill haue a t~meto bring them ·w~th· : ' - in th~compalfe ofhiscal- ~ ~ing, aad e1fetl:uall y call , them by his fpirit:As here LydiA, there w~afweete ' ~ preventing providence ') _ that fhee aever thought , *, , of, G_oibrought an Apo- · · ftl e for the faluation /of her _fo-ule, tRee· heard p,Wt and :was convex:ted . ,To I come _to · the d_efcription I C of - ,

.· < ' 30 . · ' Progr:~lfi 1jprepArati111. igf ber converfion in .the next words. . . . · ~:~~. ~.· ·~~:~~~ Whofe het~rtlhe LerJ ·· to lltteni to -the -, ngs t!J~~,~ werefioken ~fl,~ul, . 11 o l> ~pene~. h _· • . · •- hean. To w ~ . ·· purpofe ? • · . · attend ttJ t~e things fpfJktn fJ/ Paul. Goil .by t6e w~rd preAch~ -ed opens the heart; to _ at. tend to the word: by the ·word, we are Sltted to the word•.The fpiritand the word draw .· us to. ''tHem· felu~s: The fpirit, otild t~e w ~~--~~--.. --~----~-,,

Progrejfo 1{ preparation~ · · ·word- draw us- to r€gard ·-.the word,by thewordher heart.. -was opened to at. · tend to the . word. _·· Firft~ will fpeake .of the ' ' ' · opening her heart·: And then of her atten~ing upon t~e word. preacaed by . PaNt. Go4 _opened her hearr. Shee was a religi~ ous woman yet her heart - was lhut before God· opeJ · ned it. Shee was religious -' · ,_:., · · in her kind, yet her heart · muft be further _opened · before lhee could .bee fa- -l • ved.There is no flaying in . Preparati· preparati.ons im this or tha~ . ons not t0" . degree :as ~any aborriues :.~ciled in our-times-that make ma- : ny offers,; ·they haue ~- t'be • I . ·fpirit ofbondage,and are B 4 cafi:

,_ .- \ } "·· .. , caft downe :--bqt ta-erethey Rick and neuer -come ·- to proofe• ..But· 1thofe that· will attaine tQ falvati~q, muft not .reA: in r.eligious difpolition~, in good affec- .tions, and gtacio~s otfers, theymuft §Oe on ·further and filrther, as .wee ' ·fee· ' here, G8d 8pen_eJ /jer!Je4!t· .> ' Obferue then in the o- ·Godope_ni ' p~ning , Q-fthe h-eart 'thefe · the heart. h" <:' - ' • t .tngs. - Firft the heart is natti• I ' • · The · he3rt vally · ·~u-t, and clofed up aaturaHy ', as indeed it is tofpirituall thut.o things:-it is open enough to. the __ world~ and tp I bafe contentments here,hui· it ' isfhut to. heaaen aad.heauenly ,things, · natoraHy ' it . I

it is cleane locked. up._· · ' r.Partly in j(s_ OWIIC~ na- J ·ture, ~ being corrupt, ·and, earthly,_partly becaufe Sa- . than:he befeigeth . ali' the , fenfes,., an·H ·-ffiuts up a~t ;There i! afPirit of deafc· _ " ,nelfe,..and blindnclfe,.and a. ; · , fpirit of darknes, and dea~ ·-- ··netfe _in peopi(J,before God. hath brought tlitm ~y- the powerfull worke of -the· Gofpcll, from · the King· dome of Satari, tha,t pof..· fetfeth ~evc:ry man natural· -ly. N~turally~· ;.therefore our hearts .are not open, but !~eked· and f.hut . up ·~ , · (tha~ 1sfuppofed here) fo ·· ·. . thafexce~t Godbe. m~rci- ,t' l r · "" " ' full to breake the ptdfon, j" as, i~ were, vv·J1·erehy by· _ . Jl . · · · -· ·05 · unbe- .. • ' l \ \ \ I ·~7:"" • '-.,. ... ...,Ji"' lfl.;J>t.J4. •w .... I ,. • ' '

~ vnbeleife,a.ndthe wicked~ ··netfeo£ our :.natu:rewe are' ·· fuutt up, there· .is",.no hupe of falvation:atalt.. ·--. 1 ) . .• . . ' ;J · · oo~: open~t_beheart •. ~ ...... - \ , r. · The fecond- thing.isthis, . %·" :rhat as our hearts are.1hut . .Ged a'" - . ~nd clofed ~ up naturally·,.:. ·lone: g .. r. J . ..J .. ' . J 1 1 · ~ensthct tP 6o.u, anw.~ Gil41 · a o!l·e, ~- 1 , h~t. . pens theJieart~ by·hls.fptI; t l .. .. ··rit-in the ufe of tl~e mearis, - · G1tl ~.P~!Jed Lyrlia' s heart · Godhath :many keyes,.he ·:hath the key of heauen, ·to ·comand·theraine to come - .downe, he· bath the key of the w.ombe, ~ the key ·: :hell) agd · the· -gr~ue, · - . · the 'key ofthe - heart~ · efpecially, He op-ens., · ~tnd' n m,AP

. Go_! opens -the he1r1. 35 man fouts, Alltl (hilts ttnti -., . : no men spens. He ha~h the __ key of the heart, to open - , the vnderftandiag,- the' memory 1 the will, and affed:ions. God,and God'Ort... ly bath the ·key of the heart that ,it is his _ prer~gatiue.: He m.ade the hearr, and he onely ,hat_h. to ·doe with the _heart; he can vn!Jl_ake it, and make· ' r it new againe, as thofe that make locks can doe. And if · the · heart be · in ill · - temper, bee caii'take it_ in peices,and bring .it ta ifo... thillgasit were ( _as it mull: ... - be . before converfion~} ::: ·, ·and he can make it:a new heart againe.It is Godthai-- opens the h~art, and. God· only J 4-------~~----~~~~

, I :only. All the Angels·, in, h'eauen-. c~nnot giue one grace, not the lean giace; G-racecomes.meerlyfrom. Goa: it is Pl)eerly fi·om, God : ·All t-he cpeatur the) world~ canno~ open · the heart, but Ged only b-y · his koly fpirit: For nature cannot 1 ·doe aboue . its fpbere ('aswefay) aboue its owne -power. Na-tural1 thingscan doe but -natumll things •.For nature toraife - ·it fe1fe up to , beleeue· hea. - ve_tlly things it cannot be. · ·Therefo_re as. you fee V-4·" pours goe' as. high ·as tb~ fuane drawesthem up and no higher: fo thefoule ef ·man. !s lift .up to ,heauen-. ' ·Iy.·thlngs. bythe power of' i:· --~....__....,. ..........,............... G~o....;a!~ · ·

·G1d1pens the heart~ ( Gods{pirit: God drawes us ' and then V(e follow : .G11d I fay . gnely openeth r~e hca.rt. : Becanfc there is · not on- ,. \ ly \V ant, ef ftrengt~ in the 1 • · (oule ,to open it fe1fe :. but · Th·ere i&. Jikewife there is "enmity, '~:a.lilt.ofa. d { . . h h b1h tytn the . aa poy on 1n t -e ·eart, foule. lo 1hut it felfe, and lhut , \- , _ 1 out allgoodHelfe. A man . - ~ ' : ha.dt no fenfes to fpirituall _ · things; no·eyes, no ea res, \ · .. · . no .tai,nolife. Nay there· j ·iS an oppo4tion to all.· .A T~reis ' natNrA~i11'Jtl'?ftr&ti'Vttb not a.ft' oppofi· ·. . tbt ·things tJ/God, neit--her.: tLon. .·. . CAn.he,he wants fenfes:a·nd " . thofe fenfes hee bath are fe-t · ~ againfr · goodnelfe, as . the Apotll~ faith h~ e}ee- , . m~th · t./,em .foolifhneffo• ) } ~- '\ need ( .· ,,.._ ) ' ..

Vfo Patience t~ others. 2. Tim~~. ' ' ! \ · GoJ open~ ,the heArt. - need aot bee much in fo · eatie an argument, that yoB are well enough ac- · quaiated \Vith. Naturally the heartis1ha~, ·and God only muft open ir. This · fhould teach~ us patience; when we can do little good wit~ thofe that are --~under us by • all : our inftrud:ions, and ~ cor;.. - redionswait the due time. Grace is not of thy giving,the heart is not of thy· opening, (j.r of any ··mans opening :therefore· as it is 2 Tim. z, waite, aad beare with patience llltn of contr~~:rie mimls,waitingwben· Godin duetimegiue them grace to repent.. Graceis _ Glds_creatureit is none of our

God OJtfi! tpe heArt. · ·-- ·Qur o·wne. Thetefotetak.e ~ befdthat we be;hot iliort,, . ~&angry fpirited)ifwe can. ··nothaueall we wouldhaue , iofthofe that .are under us-,.·· c.biidre_ll,or fervants, let us ", · ~.waite GoJs·time he·op·ens : . ' -' . the heart in his time • , ·· And ·if ·wee find not· . ·grace wrought' in. · our . . ~ hearts taethe - 'firft,. or kco~nd ortbird·fermon- . ~ Let us doe as hee ·at the ,PooleofBethe[Ja,lie there . till the -A.ngell ftirre the · wa~er, rill G fJt/. bee· ·effeelu- · _· ,all by his fpirit~ qld doth · :it and ·he only dothit,on. Iy we mufl>waite,} he will " ;~ :doe it in his. good time, be.· \:- not Quer ,iliort-fpirited•. · - ;' : Thi~w-e -o~ghtto obferue· ·otJt ""' i \ \ < . i

. _, out of thefe words Gst/.o.· !~:~~fu~- pe»ed the hear~- 1[ Ly dia. . . · · ·The heart is put for the-: . whole foule, he opened · _. ·her underfianding to · c~n .. · ceiHe : for all things bee- · · gin with heauenly light of the undertlanding -all : · grace com~s into·the foule - ·. by the nndertf:andi~~· I • .-. · : There is· n~ · fan~ifying ! . grace in the affed:ionsbut : it comes. by enligbtning : =- the und:erftanding>we.fee :tae grpunds of it in · the . ., ~ ~nderftanding fitft · : God · --opens . the nnderftanding,__- ,and then heope~s . the ~e- <:· ·mary · to · retaine. That ~; ~ the ~memory may be~ as ~ ~ ::the pot ofM t~1111ah . to field :. 'heauenly things :heopens '· , and

and ftrengthens it w·ith re- · · .tention· to keepethem,and be opens the ·will to ~lofe lvith·holy tbings, and th·e affettions ·ro joy . and · delightinthe·m. So the heart is the whole inward man·, he not anly ~nlightens the underftanding, but infn- : .feth grace ·into the wiH~ and afeelions, into tbe whole inward man. We ·mull: take it in that extent- .for elfe if G1d lh9uld· only open the ttnderftanding·, and"not through_ the underftanding flow into· t-he will -by the power of his _ fpirir, the will woald:al. way rebeU :_as ind'ecd it is a poyfo~full thing; there -is nothin~ fo malicious next 4I ' ' ,', r ( '

. ) J I .. , H er11 tfJ attend- / rle·xt the·~,divell ,as the will - 'iof man.G.oiwilf.ha-ue Qne way, and it will haueanother.: Therefore GoJ .doth ·not only open~ the vnder. ftanding to.conceiue, btlt he opens th~ will to clofe with,and · te~imbrace that that is-good; or elfe it will take head, and take armes againtl: the underftanding in that t}lat is good, ,-afld neuer cometo the worke · of gr~cc =Therefore, take it fo, he ·opened the. !'ill . and affedions as -well as the underfianding: though what... fo·euer is in the wil~, and.a.ffeelions,comes throug~ the underfiading, · as w.ell as heate comes through light. G1d Gpe- . \ . ned

_ To ~tftiitd ~ ~~ the things _ thAt were Jp~/ie11 of Pttul. 43 --~.--~~He word figrii- ~ _ fies, to applie, and fcther mind ~-~- ~- ~~ to fhe things tb~fPaul faid, · to joyne an·d fafien the mind, to - what P~tulfayd. · Firft you fee then,her~ _is the openir.1g _. of -the ·· heart before tllere is ~ at- .tending; before there can bee any .attending,apd~p- .. The mind mui\ bee fanctified to attend _- to the word• . ' '

44 ' ' , · H 1w to 4tltntl - plying of the mind, · tht ~ I mind muft b~ fanelifie~, and ftr.engthened:t~e foule . muft be fan~ified before:., iccan· 2t tend. , : .teafon is; nothing .\c(fn flow but from. a fit- ~ . table fjcultie, and 'ability.' to '·a·ttend is a.power and · aet of the foule :J. it mull: come from· a fftnctitied ' power of ·the foule, tile . , · heart l)luft firft bee ope-; ned,and then the heart at~ tends. GoJ· fayth, he_ will cir~pmcife tqe hea~t, and I , .then we. thaJl .Ioue him, he fanctifies the heart, and · then it loues· him. GQt/ .. cpangeth and a]~re~h the fra~e of the (oJ,de) ' and the~ holy · aClipns come from

, from it. · FirlJ:, · .grace begins ·: with . the ·abili#es and powers ,of the _ foule~ - ' 'the heart is open-ed, and ·_then come holy actions _futable. There is no· proportion betweene holy . -- ~ adions, and' an -vnfaneli~· , , fi~d foule, t,he heart mull:~ fiflf: be opened, and t.hen · ;it attends. _ ~ · ;;

carrie the attention to the God opens ·word. G1d by. grace carries · the heart ' d · te attend. the heart to the wor .,foee·, Attended tiJ_ what P t~ul , {p4ke. Where true ·grace is wrought it carri~s · not ; to '_ fpeculation -or·to .pra.;.·~' -<!life. this .or . that :iale· ~ dreame,- but where the·. h~arti~ open, grace carries~ · to ,at tend to the w.ords -e·-7 fpeciall yto the good w~rd - ; ·.the GofpeU of Chrilh ·As, .grace is .wrought by the.. w~~a:, £6 in 'carfia·s t'h-e · 'faul:C,tb t·ke~w(}'m• _'\ ., '. ·; Vfl~,- f An~ t~e~~.for_e i~ -~ay Triall whe :be aufe .of~r.yaU . to lC~ow ther our whetlaer. wee ~ . h~auc! 'o'ur hearts he 'hearts.. ··wroug. ht O:n o~~the - opeaed. ;;.~·.'*"'J 7·~ · :grace ofG,~ot ria~ "\'fne .: thcr ' G $ ~»HbyJ 11is· rfpirit · haue

haue opened ~er hearts or no~irour hearts be carri. . ed to· the bleffed word of ' . God to rellilbthat. Ifthey · be, God hathop~ned - our heart$ . to attend to . the "word. And . there is no · better. evidence of a.chiid. · of Ged, then that that is fetc.hed from..the aff~ctio·n ·• that bee car(ies t~ the word .and plelfed truth Gf ·God:: 0 h ! he reliHheth it as his appointed food, he cannot be_without it, take away_ . that,and you take aw_ay his :life. ' tMy s httpe heue my v1yce, you· are noae of mine becaufeyou heare nor my word. A delightin the bletfed truth of God is an argumertt that "God ·bath · - · I - firfi:' . . . \ ,

firftopenedthe hea~t. There fore poore foul~s when th~y ~ant good 'eviaencc~ \vhen they doubt . Whether their eitate .·be -· good Oli no~ Let them con. ftderwhatrelli~ they have of dinine truths. Whether 1 it ·be connaturall to the ... word or no!.'whetherit be · favoi1~ie or ~· .. no 1whcther . rltey -coold ~be widiout the meaneseffalv·ationor n'or and let t~em judge ·. themfelves. by t~eir . d~~ light in ~· Gods truth, · her , heartwas ·o·pe~ed to/~ttend to the word. '- .:-;- · • J. ' I ti . , ·.,

S!Jee Attended t8 · .: the · ' t-~i»gJ' which ~ere (pfJre» ,j . P4NI~ . , · '. - ~~~- Hich \vtre t'he. · ble1led ·truths _of / '\ ·_, falvation. ·. ~The ~.~~ forgittentff'e of ftnnes, The free mercy of God in Chtift•.The parti~ · · " / culars · are not fer. ·downe, but it ,was the Golpeli, ~~· fhe~ b~leeued u:pon ir, . ' ' ' } ..i··___ tefore It mull: ncedes i\l 1.. ne \vord of fJith: We £! c_ he~re then, th~t . l ~' _, , - rl . ' , \ ' D , The .,

so The Go[pell the Ground The ~of- 'Tte feed · An-d gro~nJ pell the ~ • h . h G a~ // . . Ground of J 41t ts t e ~Jpe • . .. faith; - Her heare was opened to ·attend eo hJt, that P4ul fpake whicil , was the .Gofpell. An~ indeed fo it is. I The foundation· ·of faith, the word of faichjs , ~ tl)e Gofpell : nothing., can ,. ' breed faith but the word I /- ( ·. of G1J: for how can w· hope for heauen,and ~ap· pinelfe, but by the mind of God di(covered r Can welooke for a9y thing but · G Q n mu.ft difcover his mind to beftow -it~- and where haue wee the mind . _and b)fome of Gad op.e·n- ·ed tous, is it· not from · ·. the

offi!it!J. · _the fcripturcsthe word. of G1tl,from the-Jgo!Jd word · efpetiallyi' Jris ~alied the ·_: , .word of gr;~te, ll»Jthe w1rJ fJjthe Ki»gdame11tndifgltJ. - I ry; The ~~rtl 1j life : be~ ... · · ,c.aufe by it all thefe blef- · · l I fed things are conveyed 1 to us. ) , _j I • Now it is not the word The word fim. ply here,. but the w·ord_ pl·eached - the ufit:tll 1· {poken liy Pau~, that is-, the meanesof d h d b fairfi . · wor preac · e y . an au · th0rized minifter, js the r ufuall me~nes of faith, herhea·~t wds ope~ed to at ... tend to what wasfpoken by ·Paul - an .at:Itborized minitl:er,fothe word prea.. ~hed is the - ordinar)y though o.ot the foie fqundation of faitH .Therefore D 1 . ~ ·. the · ~

l ! . I j2 ~- . The qofpell_thegrounJ the Apofl:le fait~, that God . . ' , . by· that convcrred the world, by the foolijbntf!e 1{ pre4&hing, And in the lad'- r. der of hearren in How fh~l/t hey catt 111 /iim ofwhom the1 hattc ~ot httt1d ,, AIJd how jl1~/l they pre4~h e:~ctpt they IJte fent : fo there is no faith \Vithout teaching. The poin.t is playn~,you heate it oft : Tpe word is; the ground of faith,. and the word e· fpecial~y Js.i t is p.reachrd by a P~ul~by a Miniftcr \ unfolding ,it. · . Vfo.· Th t: b a· d . Top~ay ere1ore ~ trre ~p I for}a~m,. as yee f1uour the foules of j rers lR GIJJ people to pray tO God ·Gods har- · · ' · veft, , 'to fend [4{,~~rers ifJtO ' b~s . IJA.rve~ ,~nd to pray th~t · -- the

t ne Gofpell and the prea-. ching of it_ may haue a free ~ pa!fage,that God \VOl1ld fet - . vp lights in all the dark e corners of the kingdomr, and every whe,re t? th~fe , that ar.e in darkenejje, and in the [hadow of tiea_th ~ And blelfed are theirindeauour that la~our, t_h at the Go f. · · · ( , pellmay I be prea~hed in et:Iery part o£tlie Ki ngdo1n•. For-we f<=e here, it is . the word unfolded,~ the unfearr chable riches o-f .€hrift fpread,.open,the Tapeftry laid ·opc:n,tbat, ufuall~ be.: get·fait'h.The rninemufi be d~ggcd: people m\lllfe~it ;familiarly. Jayd open. ,· Therfore faith he here~, . Lydii's heart was opened, . - .· D 3 _ · : aQg . ' / . '. / ' 1 l { i

S'-t: " The GofpellthtgrounJ, _ and fu;ee •ttentied to the word ffok~» hy Paul. ·- To prize Let this teach us tO fet theordi- · a p.rice·upon the ordinance . nanceef . : p-reacl1i"g. of G6J :doth God·fet up an ordinance ;and will be not giue vertu-~, an~ power to it '?Yes: there is a majell:y; and a powe~ im the word of Got/ tQ pul peo.; pie out of the Kingdome of Satban, to the blelfed - -light of Cods Kingdorn.e. ,· It was_ the .word, and .the word opened by the mini. fiery ofPMII: _ Attentiost But it was the -word, . ~cdfarie. · and-the word o pened,and - attended to, thc'e mixed it · ,··with herattention a ad het :heartclofedwith it. Thete . . ·are thefe 3. goe together. , ~ - · The

The word, ~nd the wo-rd preached, and t-hen ~uten- · ding to the wotdpreach- .. ~dth at was th~_ ground pf her faith;)the!c 3. meeting _together. / T~ere are the[e foure T.l.. . ~~ -. . . h • _ fL I . b . _ llh'{:)S. ~e"" _t tngs muu._a wayes e tn . qttiii~e to tbe fenfes of out body. If ii~ht. r wee will fee iher~ rn·uft be . . an pbjetlto fee" \V~ mufrfee· :. " fomething; an d. ~ facul~ie to fee,our eye~ .and then ,· -· a light wh_ereby wee fee we cannot fee in.the dark ''And tpen/ there mufi: bee· an· application of-the eye to fee the· ob red by that - fpirirua]l things there is the blcffed ·truth of· God, the n1ercie of G:od in Iefus Chrift :-that wee . , - ··D ·4 may:· I . ' .'

, 56 The Gojfel the grotJ?Jd I . r ' - .may fee t4efe things) wee mu~ hau~ I a . Jight by which we-nl?Y fee , them. And there mull: be a pow-- er to fee which is the fan. \ ~ine_ d opeaed und~rftandtn~~ when the Utldf{fi'!nding is opened, th~n there . is. an application· of the foule to attend to· thew~rd of G1a,by the light of the · word. . So that there m~fl: be application,and attcntj i. on to the \vord : before-t 1e word ca.n clee us / goo;d, it ~uft be _applyed to the . Gbjet},the tall: tw.he thing I • tailed, \•and fo in ·arr the other fenfes.. . . ) At~ecytJoP! is a · fpeci~ll thing:how 1nany fe'rnt<?ns , are loft in this Citie, tliat are

of faith. / are as-feed drowned,' that ~~ never come to ·fruire ? J 57 thi~kci there'is~o place ,i~n c-; · < ·'. the world where· there ts fo rnueh.preaching,and no plice > \Vhere there are fo many fe,rrno-ns loft; why·; (beca~fe ptople -,vant· a re- _taining po·wer; and ,.facttl;- ,, . tie to attc: nd, and -titaine: and keep.e w~hat \vee. heare thee attended,~to the \~ ord preachetf·. , ' , ) To giue a lit tle H-iredi- Direa ion! 4 ' ' on jn . this poynt of at.tefi,. to attend ding., ~nd _ applying the on; ·,tHe , word~ i · mind, not to-fp.eake-~much ~ ! ' I ·will ,name two or three- : principall r-things that I . thfnke fit at this time. . , . , If·we w.ould co·m~_, ..a.s \. 1t ; ·we:. !hould"ito. .. the ~ \Vor~r S e~rch otrj\ D h .d , w~ms. · - · 5 r. preac e 1 · .. :, · . ' ' - · -· _ ...

"· 58 I DirtCiions to atteni - \~ prea~hed-: let us feareh our \Va_rus hefore-wee come, and all the occaftons 1vee fhall bave to encounter with,all temptations, that we are like to encounter wita, let us fore~cafl: by prefenting to our fotdes. I ·ani \veake in knowledge, and ·I _want fuch graces .I am like~o en.countcr-\vith filch temptations, I ani too -weake for it; I fhall meete~with fuch _adverfa.. ies, I know not ho\v _to anfwer _thenl, I am plunged in fuch huf?gef!es, I -fhall be1ofi in them with· out grace: then the foule .comes with a mind to be ·· fu.pplied, and then it will attend, and wU pray fo! - the

c I on the Woul. -~h~p~eac her! 0 h Lord di· red him thathetnayfpeak . fitly to me, fomewhat for, iljy underftanding, femewhat · for my · affedions, . _ fomewhat to belpe me a- . gainfi fuchj~Tt;ch<a temp- -~ tation:thi~ is "Yanting, ·a~d ;_ . therf~re· we profitn,o more ~ _ . by the.\"'W·ord then we doee- ·. · ~ Then when ~ "Ne come to l 1 c 1 2 . 1 ('·· · £\ 11ew1r , .. beare the word/ le t Hs fu~j etlio;."" .} · he;1~·e i~ with all fpirituaU i _.. 1- : {UbJeCtion, as -that Word [,· · \ ~- ~ that: hath .pow·er to Corn .. ~ · ,, fJ ·tnand · the confcienlce. · i ~· .. . ' This is the .word of God ~ · · l ,~ . rh~ Mini!l:e.r ofGod fpeaks ·_ ~ in the place ofG.odtp me• .: .I muft give an -accqunt of . ' I · . I ir.l will fubjeet my confci- _,_ . ence to it: It. is fpoken with ~ evicience~ ~ ·------~----~~~·~~ ·----·' i I

.I j I . I 6o-· Directions to attend ' I evidence, , and , prov~d; If J · ~ill fioupeto/it. Thus we . f.hould ·,come · .with ,fuf:i. jedion of foule and confc'iehce to whatfoever is ta~1ght; and not come..- to . jodge,~nd tenfure, , or ·· to 1. ·delighijn it as. tnnfique,-as I if w.:e ~a~e to a. play, tG} ' · heare fon.1·e prettie f~ntCll'··· , · ces~'" but come to heare · God~ astO 'the ordinance ·. ·_ef, God, c?mef.s to· ~t9at ·Word tbtattihall Judge OUF fouies at the la.ttcr '-day; , thatJs-the way.toa.rtend~. - rhenagaine,tfwe woukf ' attend, when'. vve have : . 3 _ , heard t~e \Vord of God, To-get the let us labour by all meanes .. ~ord. in-: to .bringit neare to us~ · / graf(ed. . ·• may be an ingrj(;; , '. ·- .. I I \

onthe -Word. 61· tedWorJ, that th_e foule - may be l~aven~d by. it,. that if may _be fo !ngraf. - .ted in the under1l~nding, and aff(etions .that· \~e may. thinke· the bettet, irl · the ve-rrue ·ofir, a ha love, and_, and dole the better ·"as .a Sience favours ofrhe ~ .. ': ,planrit is pu~ into: Let· '- --us labour tl1at the 'vord , of-God . may be wtittcn iA our foulesin·the tables .J of-our · hearts~-- that the-· truth · of . God . may be.· near~ us, as any tem pta·r cion fuaii be neare us, or, ' . ;;tny c9rrupuon neare us.: W-hat. is the reafon wee- - · yeeldvto" corrtiptions otnd te~pt.ations '! .· -Th~y ·are _,, . near~, aod the:word is· ' · farre ~"""' ·-V·~~~-.......,....--..... ~ ..

! I D iretlioiN t~ attend farre off,We never atten. ded to the ~ Word to bring. it nearenome. If the word ~·· were asneareas " corrupti~ o.ns,and,,that - . · -~ere ingrafted, and in· · .·.. v'fllcd into the foule, we lhould have -theword readie for everytempt.atibn: there fl1ould · not be a.. temptation . offered;.-nor a·,. cerruption arife, but wee . fhould fubduo it,and.beat it do11vne with the blelfed truth of God, .accompa~­ nied, with t4e fpirit. Let ··· tts labour to get it neare us; tba~ ·the reafons of the · word and dur reafon, that , the judgment of God;and· ( our iudgemcnt? that the , wil~ofGod,&ou~own wil--. "~ may_.

~nthe word. 6j r ________ ........._. - ·'----- may be all one: and fo to _have it incorporated, and natnralized: ~ ' into our he~rtS;that WC may fpeake and thinke;, and ~oe no- -· thing but that ~vhich is Divice: that is, to have the word -wrktea in oar hearts_, our a·ttention · _fhould be to· that end. Therefore \vhen \Ve hearr, · we fhould doe ;zs nature doth \Vith the meate vie -eate, it fuckes out a fl:rel'igth futable for every :· - parr, every part hath a,: .r power to- draw out nou- _rHhn1ent what is ft:1table to it {elfe: fo wh.en ·wee heare the word of God, we !hould be awle to fay '- this is good for fuch,and fuch ·

l .,. ' . fuch an -end, -and- nevers · leave thinking of the word ofGod when . wee have · beard it, till we·have tur- . net! the word into · our · _fou:Ies, till \VC have ir fixed i~ bur underftandings,. that we can fay, Now l : ·know it; till we have f tJ>b.· ; duedo:ur he'Jrts to it, .and ·· we be mQlded, and deli~ veredup 't'o it, that ,ve 'can fay, Now.J h~veir; now the word is mine. Let us - never leave . the truth wee· heare tilt we be; brought·· i to .tha~ :.,.alas towhat pur· : pofe is it to·Jheare except; ! we make it our owne, a_s nature makes the me are - " our owne that :-w,ee eate ! · There .is .a feco.nd. or third: digetHon., ~ 1 I , •

on the Word. dige!tiori, that goes be- ;·, fore ~igefiion be perfed:- -Iy made, and -_ t~e " meate turned into it. · Ic is ruminating, and n1editating, ' and altering of _that wee heare, and -working Of! it tbat ~akes fpiritualf nou.. rHhn1ent : rh~s wee iliould _doe·to attend to purpole. / ......_ I ' \ :And tbat.we ,m·ay doe i.t ~ let us ad~e - fome medita_- _ 4~ tions to thefe pradi[es.J Mediuti-· Confiderfirftofall who{e on. ·word it -i?• It is the word of the great God, and the word ofGod for my good I It is- t_he )good word of . ·. - ~G9d, _and the word of · God tha~brings me much good, eterq~Jl falvation if J obey it,it is tfue. word ~f ) God

· .. . , J; "'7 t God that brings eternall ~am nation if I iJbey it not. It is the \vord of th~ . great -King·, a Procl;Jma. tion, a . L~w "hereby I' iliall -be judged, and per. haps that tvord that I iliall not h-eare :tnother : time, ·perhaps the fpirit · may worke ' more no_w t-henatanothertime:tber-e~ fo~e . I will 'be wife, &; give (''" wayto the fpirit ofGod).· and notbeateic b.acke,.per• . ' haps I £hal never have.fucb _. a. g~le of the fpirit offered againe~ it may be the lafl ; Ser1non I 1h:all heare while I live: we fbould. have (uch meditatios, w.e that (oeak J.. . as if it were_ the Ja'ft time:. we 1hpwld fpeake ;_and yo.u · .that

111 the Word. that heare_,a_sifthey thould be the Iafl: things th~t , everyoufhould.heare :for how doe wee know but it may be fo '!- It is ano\her matlner ofmatterto heare' then we take it. Takehee ~ow yee hc'4_rt .faith our_ bleJfeJ s Avieu,! We h~are nothing but it fets us for. ward in t)leway ofGrace · - to h~a~en, or-for-wardto hell, we are helped by it to heaven; or elfe hardened by it further to hell. -we had need to take heed how we heare, · ~e mufi . be Judged by that 'vee · ·heare: ~nd that that wee heare now:r negligently, /and carelefly, God will .m~ke good at the' day _of, - judgrment. ~ . '·

· ' '. - jtii}gement. We m.;1y !hake off ( 2s prdphane fpirits doe)the Minifrers exhor· tations : ·hufwill y~u iliake .· off Jepart ye Curftdatthe · ~.lttter _day? Will yon ,' 1bake ' off · tht~t ·rentence, - { < I yeu would not>. .and I ~ilfno~ heareyour. Oh ! no: Therefore 1hake · not that :offnow, that will · be tnade good ·then. lf · cgou entertaine the Got. pell now, God "7il1 niak~ ~ it · good then j if thou · re- . ceive mercie now.,h~ will 1bew that th~_u att acqwit~ . ~ red then befure1 DiveIs, , ··and Angells~~~1d Men. Let us regard this, and let it make u~ , heare the word wi~·h ~ttenti_on as thisgopd . · · · .> woR1ao ' i'

. 011 t}Je Wo'rtl. I woman here. God opened her heari, and iliee.atten . .ded;to thethingstha.t \vere fpok~ of PAul. . , · ' B-ut you \rvill aske; how fhall I ·know a n1art whofe heartis o·pened, and at .. ·tends better ~lien afi()ther mand6th? ~eft. How to know we attend aright. I 'I . ' .I will givetwld 6r t~ree · JP(w~ briefe:-,ru.les of difcerniog. ( 1. _ He that by the fipirit of When wee I · kn0W liOt God attends to the good the ~ord~ · '''or~ of God to purpofe, bu.t dte with an ope ne~ under- thmgs. ding~ he ~ot amly knqwes '- the words,an4 the lhell iu I , p~eaching' .the 'word of God, but the things: he _ knQ\Ves no-t only wbat faith

.. ' Tryalls ofttt.tending faith and repentance "is in tbe words: but he hatb a fpirit'uall light to kn.ow what the things a~e, what repentance is, and faithj , and love; and hope, and . _patience, hee knowes tQ~ things., And likewife ne· that_hath attended to pur. ::·-pofe he ea~ do.the things: -be not only knoTNes what ~e · fhoul.d doe; but by ~1e grace of the fpirir, and at. - tendipg upon the word of G0~,he knowes how ·to doe thetn. Grace teacheth · him not. · onely that hee ~fhould denie himfelfe,and ~ive fobtrly, and righte· · . oufly, and Godly, but Jt te·a. cheth him how to live fo- ~erir and righteoull y ,and . . . . Godly.

Arig/,tfJ'!IhtWirc!. ' . · 71 · . Godly_. Gr_ace~ when we .attend upon the word as ., wee lJiG>uld, teacheth us to . doe the tbings; not only that we fhQuld repent.,and . ,,pray &c.. but .ro doe them ic opens the rhings, and · gives ~a~ilitiero ,doe them. ·. -- · And in_ the ne.xt place, · Th~i · 1 h . · h · c 10t1 e t ofe t}Jat attend as t · ey _ec~hoes to !Aould doe, there is a fpi- · the-wgrd• .·rituall eccfio in their foules · to eve_ry thing that is ' ~aught :that is, \vhen they are e~horted t6 beleeve, .theyanfwer,Lordi.wilbe.;' . - leeve; Lord I will heare, I will repent, and ·I will . take ·heed of fuch fins by . thy grace;when God faith . · . k,e :my face; Lord thj ~ce Nilt I feeli~. This is ~- the '·

. ' . , . ·. the"anfwer .ofagoodcon. fciemce, thi~ eccho, where. there is ~attention. to the l<VQrd of God by the fpi- ' rit, there is an eccho to that the fpirit fpeaks,Lord iris gnod, and it is goed for' me, ifi-yeeld to this, if I ·:doe nor, it is .-naught '· , · for me to ~>put off ·re pepranee H!l another~ day; I detire to yeeld no\v;. and oh l that my heart were direct:ed;ifitbe.rebellious, a·nd net yceldi.rJg, there· is a defiretha.t the heart rnay he ·brougnt ·irito fubjedi· on to every -truth revea: led, there is a gracious eccho in them that. attend re purpofe. , ,, Then againe thofe that , . doe

. ~tr.igl9t ont!Je WtJrd~ · " doe ·attend from a·faneti- . fin~ grace, they feet~ings by another Iig~r, by~rfp~­ rit of~heir o~vde,hy ·a he~l: uenly light,by a fptcies: itt ' J; They Cee things in · their owne light~ ·their' owne Jdnd,fpirituaU things with a fpjritna11 litht~ Mlny come,,< ~. a~u yheare fermons,a.nd c~~4i~ fc()urfe_, ~nd wrargle; a tiel . maintaioe · jan.glingf ··of their ~wne,a!fld all this ottt _ of naturall parrs ran·& o-p..t of pride of heart-: but ~ a gracious holy-man, fees fpirituall ·things by a fpiri~ tualllight, . in their . owne, ·kind. ~ , · ·· - A man- that is.borne in a dunge0n; and neuer.fa the Iig'-ht, \vheo hebeare~ · difcout:feofthe Sun, and - E · ftarres ' . / } • .

14 -. " . !J:ryAlls·lf atle~Jdhig .. · ~, ftars~ and ea.rth, and. flow. er&, and' plants, he bath ·1. ~ i ~~· <' I, magiriations \"V hat they ~.t: ' ·. ,: .. iliould ~.e;'but he f~ncies , ., ·.·. other th~ngs : f<l .a.. ; / .. ' ' / ' ' ' ,, that neuer h~d fp1ntuaU ey,e-light, to fee fpirituaH things ~n their \kinde ·; he fancies them to bee this and that, but ~e fees them n'ot by their owne I Ught, many lpeake and talk~ of good things, .. but it is by tbe fpirit ~of othe,r merr, out of 9oolis,and bearing. an~ not by a fpirit, of the~.r ownc. lJetftatatteRdS. by grace fpeakes out of a fpi- -rit of his ~wne, , and aot · ·out of.other mens fpirits, he.f.eesfpjrituall things in thei·r_owne. c9lours.1hns wee ·

~ ) ' wee fee bow to , difcerae . .. . , fpiritu~ll attention, ., r . . ~And he that knowes, what· Tlleyjftdge rtbis ineames, what is it ~o. :~~·~i;g ·. haue his ·heart-opened ··to profit.; . attend, when he goes from hearing_ the W{)rd., be judg eth c0f _his profiting by~ it not bywhath~·can fay by heart;, but ~y ho\V much the meeker bee is,'. how -:much ·more patient, bow . much ·more able to beare· the srofl~, t-O refiQ: temp- .. tations.) and to haue comtnuniGn ;\'vith.god, fq hee , ~illues his attending upon · '· rhemelnesand bearing the ' word · by the · growth of _ hisgr~ce,andthe decay of '. ( his corruptions. Shte at:-- tendeil to th~ .things- th4t · ··' ,: · · E 2 · were ~. , I

·'p6 114ptifwie the feale • ' j ' • l' , ., · r :Baptifme ~~:Hi! n had -the :rhe feale of f r..l fabttion. mea-nes_o ·. ~~a . ·vation, and fhee • ~ J -. had the · feale l . ' / _likewife-, w~~ich i~ bap· tifme. We haueall need ~of -feale s, wee haue· need to h:a~e our faith fir(n_gth· ened.: Gldkno\ves ·it bet· then wee our felues, We _, thinke ·Baptifme, and t~e ·Communion fmall matters bin: · G1d ,knowe.s · h9~v / .prGne wee are to fiagger, -~ -: ' - · hce

~~ fo!vation. · bee knowes .that all feales ar·e little · .enough; ~be re- .fore jr is fayd · here; foee . was &4ptiztd, '!nd ·atJ. her' : h~Jhold. B,aptifme is ·a ~ folem-~e thing; " it .is ·the feale ~ of·:rhe-:;C·ove: nant ofgrace :youare well ; . -eno\lgb acq~ainted.;l ima~ . -· gine, wi~h the diing,ther~ £Qre : lwillnm ·~,ent(v , int:o · \'dlt·: .c0Jliinoll·q>1acerjit<is · . '. needletre•. .A:s? the ·:wholf · · (j ; _, . P · trinitie was ·.at .-·the Bap• -. - < . \ ~:L ., .. , · tifme ofchri.ft,faeaeryin~ ···_" .. _ ~; :~~:_ ;,fant that is· baptized ;i~: the Ch~tld~ of'Chrift.; ,: ~ ·Ancfitr · . is-a fpeciall \thing that we ili.ould m·editat:e·.of. . . -; .We £l_ight our J~a:p .. tifme an.d thinke j!! :~nee.®lelfe y-ou fee the holy _-:wom·a·n . .. E-3- _ :_ here· · ~ ' / . l {