Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

ioo Ho'!' ,to judge , To he fur- 1hee de fired to be edified ~:~:nftr~~ . by the~ : .fuee was yo~g-· -- ly planted, and {bee deft. \ . , ·red to bee watered from them. Shee knew PAul , _would ·drop , he~uenly thiags, and giue her that that might ftablifh her, therefore fhe delited that : they wo.uld .ftay ' Jlt -her houfe3 that themight hatie · benefit by their heauenly -··difcourfe3 and be-built vp, k • and edified further, and further. So you fee thefe ,two _· graces efpecially upon be• IeeHing , a bountifull lo- . uing heart, iliee · in treated · them n.ot onely,to come to her houfe, but to abide there a good whjJe; . as they ~. ~' -;......,)~ .. ~ --! ' ~-~......;....;,---_;....... _ ___!-