Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

roote : but loue as, the ' branches· reached to . o- ·rhers, hei branches rea. ched fruit · to the Ap·ofile and' his company. I So'. it is the nature o1 faith that , · knits- us to Chdft, th.e (ame ·fpirit "of loue knits us to others, and reacheth· forth fr11i~ tO' all wee con- 'verfe with• Tria1I of As wee delire tO· bane faith by evidence of tae foundnes Iov~ . o-f o~r-faith,Iet us fee what fpirit of loue we h,aue, e- - ' fpecially loue to thefe T r.a three thin'&s,Ioueto Chrift o Cl1rift h. , ·· • f . ·- · ~ , • tow ~m wee are ~agra. : ted, and Joue to the mini- · fters of-Chrift. We cannot 1hew Jdndne1fe to. Chrit!, he is in heauen : ;~- ·.but ,