Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

f ...._ \,. •• God takes 11~ticesfhi1. fton-is fet downe,' by the caufe ofit. GoJ opened her htart. And what foflowed upon that' opening ~fher heart, jhte t~-ltendtd to the thiNgs that- were fp(jkt» hy 1 Paul,,and likewift foee ~as· !JaptifeJ -w_jth 4/l her !Joufl- :hold.- , ·And tficn the fweet fruit ! that this conver1ion ofher with all her houfebold had . -prefently fhee fhewe.d the Ioue (that fhee felt ·from GoiJ in cen~erting her) to~ ·the blelfed Apottle and his · company, fhee befought tkem · faying, If y ee haue · judged mee faithfo/1 to the: Lerti, Come to my houfe,_ ·&c. which words I fhall vnfold as I ceme to them. ' 4»d