Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

2 g / , Sin»es 4g~tinfl the focond e[\Ce to God. Therefore .. ·- the f~cond tablt i~ like ·tlu . firft. thatis~ ' our lq_ueto _our ne.ighb()u'r·is like t'o· ofir loue of.G__oj/, no:· o~Iy like it but i~ · fprin~s from it: for all .:co"rnes from th·e l~ue of.(jjOJ, th~rfore the ~ firll: com'rnJ:-rtd . ofche fi rll: ,table ::r·_lln3 ,through,. ~H the . eo~.n ttll n de meo ts.;· Ths~ -:fo~lt ho11our G1tl; and bon-our·m_an, ·becaufe' we ~ h()nour G1tl. A man ne. ver denies obedience . to his fup~xiour to the magi.. ftrate,&c.but he denies it to God firl1:, a man never . wrongs man, but he difo•. beys G1tl firlt:, Therefore ~ . the Af'flles lay the duties ofche·fecold table in the '-./' Scriptures ...