Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

4fjlillcd .·fo-r Gods quarrell · , is.-efpeciall y againft the foule, andto the body be- I ' ca'ufe of the foule; I will , . not d\vell On thiS' point ~ havi_ng fpoken ·or ir~ at 1 Cor; 1 x:- ]arge on another'text. 3'· . · The Ufe that J vvill rfo 1 -. -make ofit no\\' fhall bee, To jufiiEe· · Firll: of ::..11, 1/, the God ~ , craufe ofalJ.{ickn,effe; Let us· jufiifie God; -dnd con- ·d(mne on_r fe1ucs ;, , corn- · plaine of our ftlues:, and ·· not of Giu/; PVherfore Jotb;' t!Je living rtu:n· cc1npiAine, and lUUrqJure, and fret, Mtt?J fojfireth for hu finne, . · Iufiifie GtJd·andjudg·e .our : felues.I wil heare thew.r~tth_.· the Lord btCitttft 1 h11u~ fin· · ' ned ttg ~ti~(l him, judge ourr : c , l .re ~~~S.· -