Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

ef Jicknejfe. : to him ag t1i11e. If a rnan }lave bee ne cruell , 'to Others, God ·will fiirre YP' thofe that fhall be fo to · him, therefore we lhould · LJbour · to ·part with' our particular . tranjgrefsions . -~nd ini q~~j~ie's ~ .. It is ageneraH . truth for~, all ilfs T 0 ' fecke .,vhar.foeuer as ·\veJJ as this .·God :i.R of lickneffe. ·Therefore,: trouble, >we fhbuld fitft of all goe to G_od by c~nfeffi:on of tin ne. It is a prepofierous courfe that the ath;efticall • I ' careleffe \vorld takes, . - ·. wherethe P·hyfirian eads, . The . there th'e divine _begins; courfcof h h .. . h worl.flhnos · \V en t ey)kno\vnot w at · . ~ to do~, Ifdi.fcafes come . from 'finne ,then make vfe ; ' of the divine.firft -to cer~ > r -tifie