Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

..i I ,.. . , Sinne·the:cAufe the humours, and of the fp.irits, when the infiru.- . ment of nature is out tune it-is the ·caufe oflick.. ·nelfe. But the divine,and every Chriflian · ( that ·· fliot1ld be a divine in th~s refp.ed>) goes higherand fees ·all the difcord be-: · 's· k - n:- t\x.reene. God, and vs,there"· · 1c neuc • h~- r. h ' :how from lS · not t at 1W-eet · armO•· ·G0dJhew ny: there, and fo all the from fi~. . jarre~ ·· in fecond -caufes come from God as the caufe in1lid:ing, fro1n fin, as the caufe clemeriting : · The · Divine2 cgnfiders thofe two alway . : ~ The Phiftdan lookes totheinwa~d- -.~iltemper · and .the outward. cont~gibn, aad this··is well,~nd may be · done··