Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

·Gatei Uj death, WhAt. and h11th the key oflie!J ttnd tle.cth .• To 'wicked men ( I fay ·) hee:is a · Tyrant, and hadt a; g'-te...J, and when · they goethrough the g.tte of death, they goe to a worfe, to a lower place, to hell, it is the trttpp-e. do6re t1HeU. · - ;.· .. . Thirdly, by the g.:te of - Powet of )aeAt!J is meant not onely death·:.. the author ity,. but the power of de~#h,_ as_in the Gorpell, The gJtes ef h~ll , foalt no~prevr~ile ttgJ.inft it . that is, the p~ ~er, and ll:rength ofhell, fo here it irnplies the ft r~ngth of death, which-is v~ry gre~t for it fuBdues all,it is the ) ex:ecutio~er ·of G1is Ju· · ftice..