Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638 miftri e J. _5.7 The fecond thing is this, as ·Gocl brings his children info ·extrentity; Soj . . Gods chi~dren in txtte- Gcds ·ch:il- ·. mity they cry to him. . dren cry ,to hiin in afx . f .ce • ..n . · £Het-ion, ·· . tre mtty o a d oth force pray· ers, In their- afflillion-, t-hey will [eeJ·e me early : When all fecond caufes faile then \ve goe· to God,· naturetherforeisagainll: a- . .-: theifme(as o_ ne obferves ') A ·h <r. - < ; ' l . · t e11me · ; that naturally m·en · runro· agotintr-R~~: i ~ God -in extremity_; Lord . t~~e,_._. · . ·; 6elpe-,· mee~ · Lord· 'foccottr · · . me, _fo , efpecially ·~ inM the. ~· , _· · . D -' ; : Chur(h·· l· -