Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

. prAy in t!!flitlioll. 71 . H ee fovetl th_e~, 1ut of ~!-eir dijlref!u. ,,;r , . \ • •• ..i' •.• ~ • t .. ( ' mOD U"aPhyftti- 'Godthe . . an go~. d_ . 1ft ~tll ~:~.Phyfi· -- 1• .»ner. of{ick- ' • ,/1'; • • -~.-: ne11e_s:; ·1r .1sno , ~ matter what the. difeafe bee, if Go n bee the Phy- · fttian, though they ,bee as thefe.Af the,gate:s of de~th, · hee can fetch them·backe,; herein Go .o differs from · all other Phyfitians. , Firil. of all heeis a generail Phyfitian, bee .can heale a Lanq, ·a whole King-