Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

16 CAlling~ A/l.owed !Jy Gt~tl. 'particula'r calling on wor~ Therefore this life is a . - life·of many mece,fii.tie~ '? a.nd, there mutt b~ c~llings . ~ and trading,a_nd this particu:l~rtrading,(e/li»gtJfpur. pie. It . may feeme fuper• £luous, but it is not .alto. · .gether: f<>r G~rments for 3· ends~·. . · • I Vfeofgar.. .. mcnts. -~ N eceffity·~ . For Ornament. --.- , - · Difiind:io.n•. I ·Now·.put\>le, howeuer it b·~nQt for. neceffity;. it is fdl! ·, ornamenr, and dl- :, frinltion; for ~ Magiftrats, · and the 1ike, perfons of great qMality. How-ever ~ .the pride oft he times h;~th bred .