Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

z 8 · . Works ofprept~ration (forthofe that may, ' )- to weare porple_ as it is law·.. full to feU ·Purple; fo -that (as he fayd_ to the great Emperour) they doe not confider the purple fo much, as that the purple c~uers dt1ll, and bafe flelh that n1ufl: ttune to dull and -~· allies, and rottenn~lfe ~re long, fo that people bee not lift up in that, that is borrewed from thf paore creature, from wormes. It is a a·range thing that men thould be fo licke in their fancie, as to thinke them.. felues the better for that they beg·of the poorcrea· ture: fo a man take heed of fancie and pride, it is law- . full to ufe purple,shee w4s 4