Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

. .. 21 Works of trept~.rAtion grant no force ofa me:rito~ rious caufe in , preparations to prod-ucefuch an effect as converfi0nis:-No; ·o-nly preparation is to rePre·p~rati· mooue the hindrances, and ons re- to fit the foule for con~er .. mooue hin fM>n that there may not be drances. fo great a diftartce bee- · tweene th~ fonle,and con- , · verfron,as without prepa: rationthere would be; \ ' But when is preparation fufficient 't [ When the foule is. fo farre call: downe~as it fets , a high price· on · Chrill-, , and .on grace aboue all things in the \V orId; -it ac- · cottnts grace. the onely ·___ ~"-- _ pearleJ _