Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

,_ .- \ } "·· .. , caft downe :--bqt ta-erethey Rick and neuer -come ·- to proofe• ..But· 1thofe that· will attaine tQ falvati~q, muft not .reA: in r.eligious difpolition~, in good affec- .tions, and gtacio~s otfers, theymuft §Oe on ·further and filrther, as .wee ' ·fee· ' here, G8d 8pen_eJ /jer!Je4!t· .> ' Obferue then in the o- ·Godope_ni ' p~ning , Q-fthe h-eart 'thefe · the heart. h" <:' - ' • t .tngs. - Firft the heart is natti• I ' • · The · he3rt vally · ·~u-t, and clofed up aaturaHy ', as indeed it is tofpirituall thut.o things:-it is open enough to. the __ world~ and tp I bafe contentments here,hui· it ' isfhut to. heaaen aad.heauenly ,things, · natoraHy ' it . I