Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

~ vnbeleife,a.ndthe wicked~ ··netfeo£ our :.natu:rewe are' ·· fuutt up, there· .is",.no hupe of falvation:atalt.. ·--. 1 ) . .• . . ' ;J · · oo~: open~t_beheart •. ~ ...... - \ , r. · The fecond- thing.isthis, . %·" :rhat as our hearts are.1hut . .Ged a'" - . ~nd clofed ~ up naturally·,.:. ·lone: g .. r. J . ..J .. ' . J 1 1 · ~ensthct tP 6o.u, anw.~ Gil41 · a o!l·e, ~- 1 , h~t. . pens theJieart~ by·hls.fptI; t l .. .. ··rit-in the ufe of tl~e mearis, - · G1tl ~.P~!Jed Lyrlia' s heart · Godhath :many keyes,.he ·:hath the key of heauen, ·to ·comand·theraine to come - .downe, he· bath the key of the w.ombe, ~ the key ·: :hell) agd · the· -gr~ue, · - . · the 'key ofthe - heart~ · efpecially, He op-ens., · ~tnd' n m,AP