Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

I ' , I .. . I , I . .. ~ . . -· And. in , . c:onverfing a. mong men .; let ~s la bar to maintaine the vnitie · of the· fpirit in ·the /Jond ' - sfpeAce,rolive peaceably. C'hrifiiaps m un l}Ot fall to jar~e,why~ There ;s e~~e , foith, And one_. Bapti(me, have WIC NDt aU fJYJ~ ·j-a·. · t!Jerl one /inheritahce,oAe 1 • I baptifme, one· R-eligion·, and fuall.wee breake one: witli -another ·for: cri-Ses) ·th;ey fo~get their Bap· ·:tifme tka.t.are fo in quar. ~ells. Thus ff .wee :would thinke of ir_, . it is fuch a booke cts would be r~a- _/ die a~-- hand for· all fer.. 1 • ' .. 'VICfS. . ·And .then for ourchH• · - dren. thofe that God·hath · committed . ...;. \ • .:1..