Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

( . go'f!crnour!, ;, · 85 -----~ .no furthe~ ( ~ ;IS prophaoe . <: .Jjiiit:itS ~oe tr&t ' t11e·n fhe -, - ·. , w;~ter~ - and the elements,- - ·we . c'an have no comfort . .- ; by thefe things: but- wee fuould confider ·Gods: bletfed ·infiiturion., and: _ ordinance, to firengthef} our faith. And to- 91f,r : ~ · · ' .~ ; :children when they com'e; ~: • ~~~l'•H• to yeares, baptifme ,is-a~ i obligation t<? beleeve; be- ~ . ; ..caufe they have received . · the feal~ ~before.- band;tnd . ~ ~it .is a m:eaaes to beleev·e. :· ..', · ~~ ~;s,hee WIIS B'4ptlztJ : ~. . I ~ ' . '/ I