Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

------------------~~----~--- l~~e;-_b~~- '!'_Y ~e~trtwttktlh. _ 107 J lighr,and that isdarkndfe,becaufe there is fuch a mixture. In all the powers of the fouie there is fomething good, and (omething ilt, fomething fi t{h,and f~methingfpirir. Theheart was afleep, ard likewHe W:ts awake Ijltep, 6ut m1 heart wa· keth. You fee here then firfi ot all in this corre– tlion, That a Chrifrian bath two principles in him,rhat wbichis·good, and thatwhich isevill, whence Hftl~th theweakndfe of his adions and affctlions : Theyare all mixed,as are the principies from which they.comefonh. We may ob– ferve further, That aChrifrian man mayknow how it iswith himfelfe, though 'he be mixed of ildhand fpirit ; he batha difiinguifhing knowledge and judgement, whereby he knewes both the good and evill in h-imfelfe. In a dungeon w,here is nothit:tgbut·darkndfe, both ontheeye that fhould !ee, and on that which fhould be feeR,he can fee ~othing; but wherethere:is afu- ·pernaturall principle, where there ·i~ this mix– ture, there the Hg~t of the Spirit fearcheththe darkecorners of the heart : Aman that bath the Spirit knoweth both, hekroweth himfelfeand his owne liearr. 1he Spirit bath a light of its owne, even as ·Reafot'l bath, how cloth Reafon know what it doth .'! Bya refleCt ACt inbred in the foul.Shalt .aman that is naturallrefled upon his fiate, and know what he knowes, what he thinks, what hecloth, and may not the foule rhat is raifed to an higher dlateknow as much '! un- . doubtedly it may. Bdides,wehave the Spirit of 1\ God, which is light, and felfe-evidencing, it SER. IIII. O~forv.2 . H 3 . fl1ewes ; ~--