Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

l . - . 1 10 g 1! BUitnJheart.JPAketb• _ 1. I Sa a. IIII. fuewes unto us, where it is, and whatitis. The1 81J:JPtheJifcer.l,w'?rk~ftheSpirit m~y fometimes he hindered, .•i-i ~o~fte of as tn ttmes oftemptauon, then I confdl'e 1 the Sp11tt "'!'- may lookewholly upon corruption, and fo mi- , llltthtebe.fo111· k h" r.)t:. • • d . b h h" h h r. wruptcd, fta e .tm1e 1e, 1n JU gtng y t at w tc e 1ees prefent in himfelfe, and not by the other]Jrinci• ple, which is concealed for a time from him. But aChriftian, whenhe isnot in foch a t<!mpta. tion, he knowes his owneeftate, and can difiin– gui!h between the principles in him, of the fldh and Spirit,grace and nature. Againe \Ye fee here, in that the Church faith, hMtmy he4rt wAktth, that ilie cloth acknowl~dge there isgood aswell as evill : As the Church is ingenious to confdfethatwhich is amifft,l Jleep, fo ilie is astrue in confeffing that which is good in her felfe;hNt my he~rt wAketh 1 whichyeelds~us another ohfervatio.n. Wee f.hould as welt acknowledge' that which is good·, as that which is eviH in our hearts. B.ecaufe we muft not bearefalfc witndfe (as.. not againfl:·others)much ldfeagainft our felves. · ; Many help Saran the acrcnfer,and plead his caufe \ :~gainfi theSpirit their Comforter, in refufing to. \ fee what God feech in thrrn.Wemufi make cont fci~nce of thi;, to know th~ good_as.well as th . !What tJJe ev1ll,though!t be n~verfo lntle•. \ c hurcha,. Tacorne mparttcular, what1s thatgood the\ . ~.nowltdge~;."\ Church her:<: confe.~th, when.!hefaidl , that htrf l ~~~:~~:~h ht4T~· WAketh -: She In her. a~epy efiate,firfl:,hatb' ajle:p. her Judgemt:nt fo1:1nd in that which is tr.urh of . · · , perfons, \