Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

BlowuponmyGardtn. _ 1 __ 1>_ .. -j( t~aStates,it is that they may bea barbonrto his Church. J And then again, as in gardens there had wont 6. · toh:lVe fount.zins andjlreames which run rhrough their gardens : as Pttr.adife had fourc~ jlreames which ran through it: So the Church is ChTijfs Paradife, and his Spirit is afpring in the midft of ir,to refrdh the fcules ofhis uponall thdr fainrings, and fo the foule ofa Chnfl:ian becomes as awaterdgarden~ _ Soalfo,tbeir fountaines were foaled ttp : fo the 7 . joyes of the Church and particular ChrH1ians, Cam.4.u. are as as it were fealed up. v1.firanger~ it is [aid) Jhallnot meddlewith this joy ofihechurch. Laftly, A garden ftands alwayesinneed ofwee– ding and drefjing ; CQntinuaU labour and cofi muabebeuowedupon it 5 [omerimes planting, pruning and weeding,&c.So in the Church and hearts ofChrill:ians, Chrifr hath aiwayes fome. what rodo) \Ve would elfe foon beover-growne <10d wilde : In all whkh, and the like re- [ rov.' 4· 1 o. 8. I fpetts,ChriH: callethupon thewinds to 6/ow upen hi.Jg.trdm, ' Ifthen the Church be afevered portion,then, Vft 1 , WeJhou!dw,tlke tU menofa fevered condition from the world,notas menofthe world,butas Chrifii· ans, to makegood that we are fo, by feeling the gracesof Gods Spirit in [omecomfortablemea– .fure,rhat fo Chrill may have fomthing in us')that he may delight to dwell withus,fo to be fubjtct tohis pruning~nddreffing. For , It u fo _for from being an ill jigne.that chrift isat coft with us ,infolt\ I lorving . ____,_____ _...,..._--·---t---- _ _._ ·-------~~-· /